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What is bronchitis?

Yourbronchial tubesdeliver air from your气管(windpipe) into your lungs. When these tubes become inflamed,mucuscan build up. This condition is called bronchitis, and it causes symptoms that can includecoughing,shortness of breath, 和low fever.


  • 急性支气管炎通常持续不到10天,但咳嗽可以持续数周。
  • 慢性支气管炎另一方面,可以持续数周并通常回来。这种情况在人们中更常见asthmaoremphysema.

Read on to learn more about symptoms, causes, and treatment of acute bronchitis.

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The first symptoms of acute bronchitis are similar to those of a cold or flu.




Another symptom you may notice is a change ofcolor在你的粘液中,从白色到绿色或黄色。这并不意味着您的感染是病毒或细菌。这只是意味着你的immune systemis at work.



  • unexplained weight loss
  • a deep, barking cough
  • 呼吸困难
  • chest pain
  • a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher
  • 咳嗽超过10天的咳嗽

In many cases, acute bronchitis will go away without treatment. But if you see your doctor because of symptoms of acute bronchitis, they will start with a physical exam.

During the exam, your doctor will listen to your lungs as you breathe, checking for symptoms such as wheezing. They’ll also you ask about your coughs — for instance, how frequent they are and whether they produce mucus. They may also ask about recent colds or viruses, and whether you have other problems breathing.

If your doctor is uncertain about your diagnosis, they may suggest achest X-ray. This test helps your doctor know if you havepneumonia.


Unless your symptoms are severe, there’s not a lot your doctor can do to treat acute bronchitis. In most cases, treatment is largely comprised of home care.

Home care tips


Looking to try one of these easy remedies? Grab ahumidifier, 一些ginger tea, 和dark honeyonline now and start feeling better sooner.

These tips can help ease most symptoms, but if you’re wheezing or having trouble breathing, talk to your doctor. They can prescribe inhaled medication to help open your airways.

Treatment with antibiotics

When you feel sick, you may really hope your doctor will prescribe medication to make you feel better.


However, if you have acute bronchitis and are at high risk of pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics during cold and flu season. This is because acute bronchitis can develop into pneumonia, and antibiotics could help prevent this from happening.

Children are more likely to develop acute bronchitis than the average adult. This is partly due to risk factors that only affect them, which may include:

  • increased exposure to viruses in locations such as schools and playgrounds
  • asthma
  • allergies
  • 慢性鼻窦炎
  • 扩大扁桃体
  • inhaled debris, including dust

年代ymptoms and treatment


Your child should drink lots of clear fluids and get lots of bed rest. For fever and aches, consider giving them acetaminophen (Tylenol).


There are several potential causes of acute bronchitis, as well as factors that increase your risk of getting it.


Causes of acute bronchitis include viral and bacterial infections, environmental factors, and other lung conditions.

病毒感染:Viruses cause 85 to 95 percent of acute bronchitis cases in adults. The same viruses that cause the common cold or flu can cause acute bronchitis.

Bacterial infection:In rare cases, bacterial bronchitis can develop after a viral infection of bronchitis. This can result from infections by bacteria such asMycoplasma pneumoniae,Chlamydia肺炎, 和Bordetella pertussis(什么导致百日咳)。

刺激:Breathing in irritants such as smoke, smog, or chemical fumes can cause inflammation in your trachea and bronchial tubes. This can lead to acute bronchitis.

Other lung conditions:People with chronic bronchitis orasthmasometimes develop acute bronchitis. In these cases, acute bronchitis isn’t likely to be contagious because it’s not caused by an infection.


Factors that increase your risk of acute bronchitis include:

  • 呼吸cigarette smoke,包括二手烟
  • 低抗病或免疫系统弱化
  • 胃流回流
  • frequent exposure to irritants, including dust or chemical fumes
  • lack of疫苗接种对于流感,肺炎和呐喊咳嗽
  • 年龄超过50年






Acute bronchitis is传染性. This is because it’s caused by a short-term infection that can spread from person to person. The infection can spread through mucus droplets discharged when you cough, sneeze, or talk.

慢性支气管炎, on the other hand, isn’t contagious. This is because it’s not caused by an infection. Rather, it’s caused by long-term inflammation, which is usually a result of irritants such as smoking. The inflammation can’t be spread to another person.


There’s no way to completely prevent acute bronchitis because it has a variety of causes. However, you can decrease your risk by following the tips listed here.

If you have a weakened immune system due to a health condition or older age, you should take special care to avoid getting acute bronchitis. This is because you’re more likely to develop complications from it such asacute respiratory failureor pneumonia. Be sure to follow the prevention tips above to help decrease your risk.