
Breast lump removal is the surgical removal of a乳房内的癌变肿块。It’s also known as a lumpectomy.

A biopsy可以显示乳房的肿块是癌症。该程序的目标是除去肿瘤周围的肿块和一些健康的组织。当你的医生除去健康的组织和肿块时,它将有助于确保所有癌细胞都消失。

也可以进行乳房切除术,这是一种完全移除乳房。证据表明,肿块切除术在早期阶段中的乳房切除术同样有效breast cancer, 根据Mayo Clinic


Many doctors prefer this method over a mastectomy. A lumpectomy is less invasive that the entire removal of the breast. In a lumpectomy, your doctor takes a part of the breast, which leaves much of your breast’s appearance and sensations intact. This allows for better breast symmetry. But you may needradiationor化疗following a lumpectomy to ensure all cancer cells have been destroyed.


After breast lump removal surgery, your breast may be numb if the nerves were affected. The shape of your breast may also change. And there may be tenderness and temporary swelling after surgery.

如果你选择乳房肿瘤切除术,而不是马stectomy, you may have radiation therapy five times per week for five to seven weeks after surgery. The side effects of radiation include fatigue and skin changes like redness and burning.

Prior to surgery, you’ll have several appointments with your doctor. These will include physical examinations and imaging with X-rays or mammography. The goal is to determine the size and shape of the tumor.

A few days before the surgery, you’ll meet with your surgeon. During this meeting, tell your surgeon about any allergies and medications you take, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. You should also mention if you’re pregnant or you think you may be pregnant.







Following the successful removal of the tumor and any lymph nodes, the incision will be closed with stitches and bandaged.

After the procedure, you’ll go to the recovery room. Your vital signs will be monitored while you wake up from the anesthesia. When you wake up, you can expect some pain in the incision area. You’ll be given medication for the pain.

In the weeks following surgery, you’ll need to restrict your activities. It takes time to heal. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions for care after surgery.


In rare cases, depending on the size of the lump removed, you may choose to have breast reconstruction surgery. This is done after any radiation therapy is complete. However, most women don’t need reconstruction after this type of surgery. That is one of the advantages of lumpectomy.

