
但是,您可能没有听说过其他方面的其他方面,例如端口 - 体导管(又名Port-A-Cath或Port),这是一种用于将药物,营养素,血液产品或液体输送到您的机制血液并从您的体内取出血液进行测试。




If you are in treatment, you will need to have your veins accessed frequently. A port is used to avoid poking your arm with needles numerous times and for protecting small veins. It is removed after therapy and leaves a small scar behind.





For the rest of the day, avoid wearing tight bras or carrying a purse across your chest. You’ll be told to relax at home for the day (the perfect excuse to binge-watch your favorite Netflix show). You can eat and drink normally, but expect some mild pain.

After a few days you can shower or bathe, but only after the dressing has been removed. The stitches will dissolve over time, and the Steri-Strips (white tape under the dressing) will fall off on their own. Just watch for signs of infection and let your doctor know right away if you notice any:

  • swelling
  • 疼痛
  • 发红
  • 切口周围的液体
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • fever
  • 头晕
  • swelling on your neck, face, or arm on the side where the port is inserted



它可以不舒服。戴着一个座位belt or a purse directly over the port area can irritate it, but thankfully, accessories can help — think small pillows between your port and the seat belt or a seat belt wrap. (If you want to add a bit of personality to your pillow, Etsy does carry some可爱的那些。)

Yes, it does. During your chemo session, after your IV is connected, the nurse will flush out the port lines before administering the chemo drugs. This is also the last thing that the nurse does after administering your chemo, before removing the IV.


This article first appeared on重新考虑乳腺癌

重新考虑乳腺癌’s mission is to empower young people worldwide who are concerned about and affected by breast cancer. Rethink is the first-ever Canadian charity to bring bold, relevant awareness to the 40s and under crowd. By taking a breakthrough approach to all aspects of breast cancer, Rethink is thinking differently about breast cancer. To find out more, visit他们的网站or follow them onFacebook,,,,Instagram,,,,and推特