
“I’m sorry to inform you, you have breast cancer. But it’s the good kind of breast cancer. You’ll need to contact a surgeon to have the tumor removed,” he said.

After two months of tests and biopsies, it still hit like a brick wall to hear those dreaded four words, “You have breast cancer.” And thegoodkind? Seriously? Who says that?

Little did I know I’d soon be knee-deep in a world of testing, genetics, receptors, diagnosis, and treatments. That doctor had good intentions when he said “the good kind,” and there’s a little truth in that statement — but it’s not what anyone thinks about when they get a diagnosis.

据David Weintritt博士称,董事会认证的乳房外科医生和创始人National Breast Center Foundation, there are two primarytypes of breast cancer: ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC).

Newer studieshave shown that some people with DCIS can be under close observation rather than treated, which provides hope to those who are given this diagnosis. Approximately 20%的乳腺癌 are DCIS, or noninvasive. That’s 20 percent of people who breathe a little easier when hearing their diagnosis.


They’re invasive.

And even with an invasive breast cancer diagnosis, the treatment and experience isn’t a one-size-fits-all.




幸运的是,她的肿瘤科医生很乐观,并给了她最好的过程action for treatment。它包括每三个星期(Taxotere,Herceptin和Carboplatin),赫赛汀每年进行六轮化疗,每年一次和双重乳房切除术。Jenna正在进行完成三年治疗他莫昔芬的过程。

Before Jenna’s treatment began, she froze her eggs to give her the option of being able to have children. Because of the gene mutation, Jenna also has an increased risk of卵巢癌。She’s currently discussing with her doctor the option of removing her ovaries.

Jenna has now been cancer-free for over three years.

Sherree had a tiny but aggressive tumor. She received 12 weeks of chemo, six weeks of radiation, and seven years of Tamoxifen. Sherree was also part of a double-blind study for the drug Avastin, which she has been on for the last three years.

When Sherree had alumpectomy performed to remove the tumor,边缘没有“干净”,这意味着肿瘤开始传播。他们不得不回去去除更多。然后她选择乳房切除术,以确保它全部出局。Sherree正在庆祝她八岁的幸存者,并计算了击中大#10的日子。


For that, Kris went through six rounds of chemo and got a在她的右侧乳房切除术。她还有一部分她的胸壁删除。



Mary took six cycles of chemo and Herceptin. She then continued Herceptin for an additional year. She went through radiation, a double mastectomy, and reconstruction. Mary is a two-year survivor-thriver and has been in the clear ever since. No pity now!


In addition to the breast cancer diagnosis that connects all of us as warrior sisters, we all have one thing in common: We had an idea. Long before the diagnosis, the tests, the biopsies,我们知道。我们是否觉得自己或医生办公室的肿块,我们知道

It was that little voice inside of us that told us something wasn’t right. If you or a loved one suspect something is wrong, please see a medical professional. Receivinga breast cancer diagnosis可能是可怕的,但你并不孤单。

“Regardless of diagnosis, it’s important for all patients to have a conversation with their doctor, oncologist, or specialist to create a personalized approach and successful treatment plan,” encourages Dr. Weintritt.

The five of us are still recovering, both inside and out. It’s a lifelong journey, one in which we all live each day to the fullest.

Holly Bertone是一种乳腺癌幸存者,与Hashimoto的甲状腺炎一起生活。她也是作者,博主和健康的生活倡导者。了解更多关于她的网站,粉红色坚韧。