
Mirena is a hormonal宫内装置(IUD)that releases a progestogen called levonorgestrel. It’s a synthetic version of the naturally occurring hormoneprogesterone

Mirenaworks by thickening cervical mucus, which stops sperm from reaching the egg. It also thins the uterine lining. In some women, it suppresses ovulation.


Mirena is also used (sometimes off-label) to treat:

Here’s what you need to know about Mirena and cancer risk.

When exploring a possible link between Mirena and breast cancer, it helps to understand the link between hormones and breast cancer.

乳腺癌可以通过雌激素或孕激素来促进乳腺癌。一些乳腺癌被HER2 proteins


根据BreastCancer.org, most breast cancers are hormone-positive. They’re broken down into the following types:

乳腺癌类型 Percentage of breast cancers
雌激素受体阳性(ER+) 80%
estrogen and progesterone receptor-positive (ER+/PR+) 65%
negative for both (ER-/PR-) 25%
estrogen receptor-positive, progesterone receptor-negative (ER+/PR-) 13%
孕酮受体阳性,雌激素受体阴性(ER+/pr-) 2%

激素与乳腺癌之间的联系comes down to the question of the particular synthetic hormone, and whether or not it’s associated with breast cancer risk.



包装插入for Mirena states that if you have or have had breast cancer, or even suspect you might, you should not use hormonal contraception.

It also acknowledges “spontaneous reports of breast cancer,” but says there’s not enough data to establish a link between Mirena and breast cancer.

自2001年以来,Mirena一直在美国市场上。 美国癌症协会


  • 2005:A large post-marketing study published in the journalObstetrics & Gynecology发现左旋肺部释放的宫内节育器与乳腺癌的风险增加无关。
  • 2011:一项回顾性,基于人群的,病例对照研究,发表在杂志上避孕发现左甲虫释放宫内节育器的使用者没有增加乳腺癌的风险。
  • 2014:A large observational study published inObstetrics & Gynecologyfound that levonorgestrel-releasing IUDs were associated with a higher than expected incidence of breast cancer.
  • 2015:A large study published inActa Oncologicafound that use of a levonorgestrel-releasing IUD was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

‘But I heard that Mirena decreases your risk for breast cancer…’

这re’s no evidence to suggest that Mirena lowers the risk of developing breast cancer. One reason for this confusion is that it may actually lower your risk of some other types of cancer.

In the2014 study上面提到的研究人员得出的结论是,左旋肺炎的闭经宫内节育器与乳腺癌的预期发病率更高。


Mirena has also been associated with:

So, is there a link between Mirena and breast cancer?


It’s important to keep in mind that there are other risk factors for breast cancer as well as other cancers.

If you’re already at higher than average risk, ask your doctor if it’s safe to use any type of荷尔蒙节育

其他荷尔蒙品牌IUDscurrently on the market are Liletta, Skyla, and Kyleena.

All three labels carry the same warning as Mirena: that you shouldn’t use them if you currently have, previously had, or suspect breast cancer.


和每一个公关的激素水平略有不同oduct. Most studies investigating the link to breast cancer reference levonorgestrel-releasing IUDs in general, not specific brand names.

If you want to avoid hormones altogether, you still have the option of using an IUD.

铜T380A,以品牌名称销售ParaGard, is hormone-free. It works by triggering an immune response that creates a hostile environment for sperm.

Oral contraceptives also contain hormones. Some have estrogen, some have progestin, and some are a combination of both.

This is another area where studies are inconsistent, according to the National Cancer Institute


When considering the association between hormone-based contraceptives and cancer, it’s important to remember that the risks aren’t the same for everyone.

Here are a few other things that factor in to your breast cancer risk:

  • family history of breast cancer
  • early age at first menstruation
  • 初期怀孕或没有怀孕的年龄
  • menopause at late age
  • 您使用基于激素的避孕药多长时间
  • 如果您接受了激素疗法

讨论您的一切节育选择with your doctor. Here are some ideas for how to get that conversation started:

  • Be sure to mention if you have a personal or family history of breast cancer or any other type of cancer.
  • 如果您决定宫内节育器,请询问每种宫内宫内节育器的不同类型和利弊。将铜宫内节育器与荷尔蒙宫内节育器进行比较。
  • 有许多口服避孕药可供选择。询问每个人的好处和风险。
  • Other options include the sponge, patches, and shots. There are also diaphragms, condoms, and spermicides.
  • 无论您最终选择哪种方法,都请确保您了解如何正确使用它。



Everybody is different. Birth control is a personal decision.



If you have any health concerns about using it, discuss them with your doctor before making your decision.

发现的人的支持和布瑞亚生活在一起t cancer. Download Healthline’s free app here.