

  • 针活检
  • stereotactic biopsy
  • open biopsy


A stereotactic biopsy uses 3-D imaging technology, as well as data from CT and MRI scans, to examine a tumor or a piece of the brain. Stereotactic biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure.

Open biopsies are the most common form of brain biopsy and the most invasive. During the procedure, your surgeon will remove a piece of bone from your skull while you’re under general anesthesia. This allows the tumor to be exposed and removed. This is riskier than other brain biopsy methods and the recovery time is longer.

A brain biopsy can help doctors diagnose brain illnesses, allowing them to devise treatment plans. Doctors usually order brain biopsies to determine whether a tumor is cancerous or benign. It can also be ordered to confirm the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a dementia-related disease. Inflammatory disorders and infections can also be identified through brain biopsy.

A brain biopsy is seen as a last resort for diagnosing an illness and is performed after imaging techniques prove inconclusive. In the case of dementia, the role of brain biopsy is sometime used for diagnosis, but the practice still remains uncertain.Research表明,随着发现新疗法,该程序可能变得更加值得诊断痴呆症。但是,现在,诸如阿尔茨海默氏症等疾病通常在临床上诊断并通过成像测试进行诊断。

Brain surgery is always risky, but needle and stereotactic biopsies are less invasive than open biopsies. They also have fewer complications.

Going under anesthesia always poses risks for older adults and people with dementia. All types of brain biopsies can result in swelling or bleeding in the brain. They can also lead to:

  • infection
  • seizure
  • 中风
  • coma

Sometimes, tests on the sampled tissue are inconclusive and the procedure must be repeated. Risks have been reduced with modern technology such as stereotactic equipment.

Lab work and a CT scan or an MRI may be ordered, before your surgery. Your doctor may ask you to discontinue using blood thinners and aspirin. You may need to wash your hair with a special shampoo the night before surgery.


In needle or stereotactic biopsies, a small incision, a few millimeters long, is made. After a tiny hole is drilled into the skull, a small needle is placed into the brain and the biopsy is obtained. If the biopsy is remotely controlled, your doctor can navigate the needle during surgery by watching a monitor.

After surgery, the incision is stapled or sutured. In the case of open biopsies, the bone flap is replaced with plates or wires. If there is swelling or infection, the flap won’t be replaced. This is called a craniectomy.
