What is fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence, also called bowel incontinence, is a loss of bowel control that results in involuntary bowel movements (fecal elimination). This can range from an infrequent involuntary passage of small amounts of stool to a total loss of bowel control.


Fecal incontinence can be an uncomfortable condition, but it can improve with treatment.


  • pelvic muscles
  • rectum, part of the lower end of the large intestine
  • 肛门括约肌,肛门的肌肉
  • 神经系统


Common causes of fecal incontinence include:

Fecal impaction

慢性便秘can lead to afecal impaction。This happens when a hard stool gets stuck in the rectum. The stool can stretch and weaken the sphincter, which makes the muscles incapable of stopping normal passage.



Diarrheais the result of松动的orliquidstools. These loose stools can cause an immediate need for a bowel movement. The need can be so sudden that you don’t have enough time to reach a bathroom.


外部的hemorrhoidscan block the sphincter from closing completely. This allows loose stool and mucus to pass involuntarily.


对肛门括约肌的损害将阻止肌肉保持肛门紧密关闭。厌食区域,创伤和附近的手术和附近constipationcan damage the sphincter muscles.

Nerve damage

如果括约肌运动神经控制damaged, the sphincter muscles won’t close properly. When this happens, you may also not feel the urge to go to the bathroom.



妇女会对自己的肌肉和神经造成伤害pelviswhile giving birth, but symptoms of骨盆底功能障碍may not be immediately noticeable. They may occur years later. Complications include:

  • weakness of the pelvic muscles that are used during bowel movements
  • 直肠脱垂, which is when the rectum protrudes through the anus
  • rectocele,这是直肠凸起到阴道的时候



  • you’re over the age of 65
  • 你是女人
  • 你是一个生育的女人
  • 你有慢性便秘
  • you have a disease or injury that caused nerve damage

Your doctor will perform a thorough medical history and physical evaluation to diagnose fecal incontinence. Your doctor will ask you about the frequency of the incontinence and when it occurs, as well as your diet, medications, and health issues.

这following tests may help reach a diagnosis:

Healthline FindCare toolcan provide options in your area if you need help finding a primary care doctor.

这treatment for fecal incontinence depends on the cause. Some of the treatment options include:


Foods that cause diarrhea or constipation are identified and eliminated from the diet. This can help normalize and regulate bowel movements. Your doctor many recommend an increase in fluids and certain types offiber



Bowel retraining

Following abowel retraining routine可以鼓励正常的排便。此例程的各个方面可能包括:

  • sitting on the toilet on a regular schedule
  • 使用rectal suppositoriesto stimulate bowel movements

Incontinence undergarments






If you have fecal incontinence, biofeedback will help you learn how to control and strengthen your sphincter muscles. Sometimes medical equipment used for training is placed in your anus and rectum. Your doctor will then test your rectum and anal sphincter muscle function.

这muscle tone measured is visually displayed on a computer screen so you can observe the strength of the muscle movements. By watching the information (the “feedback”), you learn how to improve rectal muscle control (the “bio”).


Surgical treatment is generally reserved for severe cases of fecal incontinence. There are several surgical options available:

  • Sphincteroplasty.肛门括约肌的撕裂末端被恢复在一起,以增强肌肉并拧紧肛门括约肌。
  • Gracilis muscle transplant.gracilis muscle从大腿内侧转移,放置在肛门括约肌周围,以增加强度和支撑。
  • Artificial sphincter.一个artificial sphincter是在肛门周围植入的有机硅环。您将人工括约肌进行手动放置,以使排便并将其充气以关闭肛门,从而防止泄漏。
  • Colostomy。有些患有严重粪便失禁的人选择接受手术colostomy。在结肠造口手术期间,您的外科医生将大肠的末端重定向到穿过腹壁。一个一次性袋附着在腹部周围气孔,这是连接到通过腹部开口的肠道的一部分。手术完成后,凳子不再通过肛门,而是从造口空成一次性袋。


Solesta is an injectable gel that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2011 for the treatment of fecal incontinence. The goal of Solesta therapy is to increase the amount of rectal tissue.



Aging, past trauma, and certain medical conditions can lead to fecal incontinence. The condition isn’t always preventable. The risk, however, can be reduced by maintaining regular bowel movements and by keeping the pelvic muscles strong.