

Specifically, a bone scan is done to reveal problems with bone metabolism. Bone metabolism refers to the process in which bones break down and rebuild themselves. New bone formation is part of the healing process when bones are injured or broken. A bone scan is a good way to view and document abnormal metabolic activity in the bones.

A bone scan can also be used to determine whether cancer has spread to the bones from another area of the body, such as the prostate or breast.




  • arthritis
  • 血管坏死(当骨组织因缺乏血液供应而死亡时)
  • 骨癌
  • 从身体其他部位传播到骨头的癌症
  • 纤维发育不良(这种疾病会导致异常疤痕的组织生长而不是正常骨骼)
  • 断裂
  • 涉及骨骼的感染
  • Paget的骨骼疾病(这种疾病会导致骨骼虚弱,变形)

A bone scan carries no greater risk than conventionalX射线。骨扫描中使用的放射性物质中的示踪剂几乎没有辐射暴露。对示踪剂有过敏反应的风险很低。

However, the test may be unsafe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. There is a risk of injury to the fetus and of contaminating breast milk. Make sure to tell your doctor if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.



The procedure begins with an injection of radioactive substance in your vein. The substance is then allowed to work its way through your body for the next two to four hours. Depending on the reason for the bone scan, your doctor may begin imaging immediately.

As the substance spreads through your body, the bone’s cells naturally gravitate to areas that need repair. The substance’s radioactive tracers follow these cells and collect in spots where bone is damaged. It’s taken up in regions that have a high blood flow.

After enough time has passed, your doctor will use a special camera to scan the bones. The damaged areas — where the substance has settled — appear as dark spots on the image.


Test results are considered normal when the radioactive substance is spread evenly throughout the body. This means that you likely don’t have a major bone problem.

结果are considered abnormal when the scan shows darker “hot spots” or lighter “cold spots” in the bones. Hot spots describe places where an excess of radioactive substance has collected. Cold spots, on the other hand, are areas where it didn’t collect at all. Abnormal results can indicate that you have a bone disorder, such as cancer or arthritis or infection in the bone.

A bone scan doesn’t cause any side effects or complications. Most of the radioactive tracer is eliminated from your body within 24 hours. Small amounts may remain for as long as three days.
