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骨痛是一个或多个骨骼的极端压痛,酸痛或其他不适。它不同于肌肉joint painbecause it’s present whether you’re moving or not. The pain is commonly linked to diseases that affect the normal function or structure of the bone.





To stay strong, your bones require a variety of minerals and vitamins, includingcalcium维生素D。钙和维生素D缺乏通常会导致骨质疏松症,最常见的骨骼疾病类型。骨质疏松症晚期的人们通常患有骨痛。

Metastatic cancer


Bone cancer

Bone cancer描述起源于骨骼本身的癌细胞。骨癌比转移性骨癌稀有得多。当癌症破坏或破坏骨骼的正常结构时,它可能导致骨痛。


一些疾病,例如sickle cell anemia,干扰骨骼的血液供应。没有稳定的血液来源,骨组织开始死亡。这会引起严重的骨痛并削弱骨骼。


If an infection originates in or spreads to the bones, it can cause a serious condition known as骨髓炎。This infection of the bone can kill bone cells and cause bone pain.





骨痛的原因 其他相关症状
受伤 肿胀,可见的断裂或畸形,受伤时刺痛或打磨噪音
矿物质缺乏 肌肉和组织疼痛,睡眠障碍,抽筋,疲劳,弱点
Osteoporosis 背痛,弯曲的姿势,随着时间的流逝丧失身高
Metastatic cancer A large range of symptoms depending on where the cancer has spread that may include头痛,胸痛,骨折,seizures,头晕,黄疸,呼吸急促,腹部肿胀
Bone cancer Increased bone breaks, a lump or mass under the skin, numbness or tingling (from when a tumor presses on a nerve)
骨骼的血液供应破坏 Joint pain, loss of joint function, and weakness
感染 Redness, streaks from the infection site, swelling, warmth at the infection site, decreased range of motion, nausea, loss of appetite
白血病 Fatigue,苍白的肤色, 呼吸急促,night sweats,无法解释的减肥

Pelvic bone pain is a common occurrence for many pregnant women. This pain is sometimes referred to as pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PPGP). Symptoms include pain in the pubic bone and stiffness and pain in the pelvic joints.

PPGP typically doesn’t resolve until after delivery. Early treatment can reduce symptoms, though. Treatment options may include:

  • manual therapy to move the joints correctly
  • physical therapy
  • water exercises
  • 锻炼以加强骨盆底

While common, PPGP is still abnormal. You should contact your doctor for treatment if you experience pelvic pain.

A doctor needs to identify the pain’s underlying cause to recommend treatment. Treating the underlying cause can drastically reduce or eliminate your pain.


  • Where is the pain located?
  • 您什么时候第一次遭受痛苦?
  • Is the pain getting worse?
  • 骨痛还有其他症状吗?

Your doctor may order blood tests to look for vitamin deficiencies or cancer markers. Blood tests may also help your doctor detect infections and adrenal gland disorders that can interfere with bone health.

BoneX射线, MRIs, and CT scans can help your doctor evaluate the affected area for injuries, bone lesions, and tumors within the bone.


In some cases, your doctor will need to run multiple tests to rule out certain conditions and to diagnose the exact cause of your bone pain.



The treatment options for bone pain include:






Nutritional supplements

People who have osteoporosis need to restore their calcium and vitamin D levels. Your doctor will give you nutritional supplements to treat the mineral deficiency. Supplements are available in liquid, pill, or chewable form.

寻找calcium supplements维生素D补充剂在线的。

Cancer treatments

Bone pain caused by cancer is difficult to treat. The doctor will need to treat the cancer to relieve the pain. Common cancer treatments include surgery,放射治疗, 和化学疗法(这会增加骨痛)。双膦酸盐是一种有助于预防转移性骨癌患者的骨损伤和骨痛的药物。阿片类止痛药也可以开处方。



Maintaining strong, healthy bones makes it easier to avoid bone pain. To maintain optimal bone health, remember to:

  • 保持健康的锻炼计划
  • 获得足够的钙和维生素D
  • 仅适度喝酒
  • 避免吸烟

Read more: 8 fast facts about calcium »



During recovery, avoid aggravating or bumping the affected areas. This can prevent further injury and pain and allow healing. Rest the affected areas as much as possible and immobilize the area if there’s a risk of further injury.

For some people, aids such as braces, splints, and casts can offer support that can both protect the bone and relieve pain.



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