
Basically, people with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can learn more easily by doing, exploring, and discovering.

One of 9 types of learning styles that make up this theory, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can often be observed in actors, craftspeople, athletes, inventors, dancers, and surgeons.

According toCarlton College, about 15 percent of the population is strongly aligned with a kinesthetic learning style.

You might be a kinesthetic learner if:

  • 你有良好的肌肉记忆。
  • 您可以通过艺术,科学或商店课等动手学习在学术上做到最好。
  • 聚焦时,您经常以恒定的节奏轻拍手或脚。
  • 您会坐在非交互性和基于讲座的环境中感到烦躁。
  • You’re slower to grasp concepts explained audibly or visually.
  • You’re curious and like to explore your environment.
  • You learn best by doing.
  • You’re good with tools.
  • 执行身体任务时,您可以进行详细的对话。
  • You often grip your pen or pencil tightly and push down hard when you write.
  • 您会发现何时进行互动更容易聆听和理解。
  • You find it easy to mimic the movements and gestures of other people.
  • You usually find it easy to learn new dance or aerobic steps.



Study tipsfocused on kinesthetic learning may help. Here are some suggestions:

  • 找到正确的学习场所。让它accommodates your need for engagement or movement.
  • 积极点。Fidget,咀嚼口香糖或为您做任何事情。
  • 休息一下。Don’t force yourself to sit still for long periods of time.
  • 做笔记。To stay active and engaged, personalize them with colors, symbols, or diagrams.
  • 教。Explaining course material to a study group can keep you actively engaged with the material.



The theory of multiple intelligences was developed by Harvard University’s Howard Gardner and challenges the educational system that assumes that everybody is capable of learning the same way and that universal testing is a valid appraisal of learning.


The 9 intelligences are:

  • 身体上的觉:物理(通过手和身体运动)过程信息的能力。
  • 口头语言:使用语言和单词(声音,含义和节奏)来理解和表达复杂概念的能力。
  • 数学对话:The capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns, primarily through inductive reasoning.
  • 音乐:The ability to recognize and use rhythm, pitch, tone, and timbre.
  • Visual-spatial:理解空间并在图像和图片中思考的能力,准确,抽象地可视化。
  • Intrapersonal:具有自我意识并意识到自己的意识的能力,包括感觉,价值观,信念,自我反思和思维过程。
  • Interpersonal:通过对他人的动机,情绪和欲望做出适当的反应,在小组中合作工作的能力。
  • Naturalist:与人类创造的世界相反的自然世界中植物,动物和其他物体的识别,分类和欣赏和欣赏的能力。
  • 存在:具有敏感性和能力,专注于有关人类和人类生存的深刻问题。

According to the theory of multiple intelligences, every person has different intelligences and learns in different ways.

Bodily-kinesthetic learners are hands-on learners and grasp information more easily by doing, exploring, and discovering.
