Sputum, or phlegm, is a mixture of saliva and mucus that you’ve coughed up. Sometimes sputum can have visible streaks of blood in it. The blood comes from somewhere along your body’s respiratory tract.


  • throat
  • nose
  • 通向肺的通道



Common causes of blood-tinged sputum include:


下呼吸道感染和inhaling a foreign object是儿童鲜血痰的可能原因。



When you see a doctor about the blood-tinged sputum, they’ll first ask you if there was any noticeable cause, like:


  • 你多久有鲜血的痰
  • how many times you cough it up during the day
  • 痰看起来如何
  • the amount of blood in the sputum

Your doctor will listen to your lungs while you breathe and may look for other concerning symptoms, like a rapid heart rate,wheezing, orcrackles。They’ll also ask about your medical history.


  • Chest X-rays可用于诊断各种不同的条件。胸部X射线通常是他们订购的首批成像研究之一。
  • ACT扫描胸部可以提供更清晰的软组织图像以进行评估。
  • During a支气管镜检查, your doctor lowers a bronchoscope down the back of the throat and into the支气管。This instrument helps them check for obstructions or abnormalities in your airways.
  • They can order血液检查诊断不同的条件,并确定how thin your blood is检查一下您是否流失了很多血anemia
  • 如果您的医生注意到您的肺部结构异常,他们可能会订购biopsy。在活检过程中,从肺部去除组织样本并发送到实验室进行评估。

Treating blood-tinged sputum will require treating the underlying condition that’s causing it. In some cases, treatment can also involve reducingor other related symptoms.

Treatments for blood-tinged sputum can include:

  • 口服抗生素对于类似的感染bacterial pneumonia
  • antiviral medications, like oseltamivir (Tamiflu), to reduce the duration or severity of a viral infection
  • 咳嗽suppressants for a prolonged cough
  • 多喝水, which can help flush out remaining sputum
  • surgery to treat a tumor or blood clot in the lung

For people who’re coughing up large amounts of blood, treatment focuses first on stopping the bleeding and preventingaspiration,当您将异物呼吸到肺部时会发生。然后,治疗重点是解决根本原因。

Call your doctor before using any cough suppressants, even if you know the underlying cause of your symptoms. Cough suppressants can lead to airway obstructions or keep the sputum trapped in your lungs, prolonging or worsening an infection.

Blood-tinged sputum can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying condition that you can’t prevent. But methods may be available to help prevent some cases of blood-tinged sputum.



  • Consider cutting down on smoking, if you smoke.Smokingcauses irritation and inflammation. It also increases the likelihood of严重的医疗状况
  • Drink more water, if you feel a respiratory infection coming on.饮用水会稀疏痰液并帮助冲洗。
  • Keep your house clean.灰尘很容易呼吸,如果您有COPD,asthma,或肺部感染。发霉和moldcan also cause respiratory infections and irritation, which can lead to blood-tinged sputum.
  • See your doctor if you have yellow or green sputum.咳嗽黄色或绿色痰may be a sign of a respiratory infection. See your doctor for treatment early on to help prevent complications or worsening of symptoms later.