What are blood clots?

Your body’s arteries and veins are a superhighway system designed to transport oxygen-rich blood from your heart to the rest of your body. They then carry oxygen-depleted blood back from your body to your heart.

Normally, this system runs smoothly, but sometimes you can develop a bottleneck called ablood clot. Blood clots are solid clumps that form in the blood. They serve the useful purpose of preventing you frombleedingtoo much when you hurt yourself.

Sometimes, a blood clot can form insidean artery or a veinwhen you haven’t been injured. These types of clots can be dangerous because they can form a blockage. They’re especially dangerous if they break off and travel to yourbrainorlungs.

Learn where else blood clots can form, why they can be dangerous, and how to avoid getting them.

Blood clots can form in many different parts of the body. Sometimes, clots can break off and travel through the bloodstream from one body part to another.

Clots can be found in your:

Some clots form in small veins near the surface of the skin. Others develop in deeper veins.

When you get a cut that’s deep enough to pierce a blood vessel wall, blood cells called platelets rush to the opening. Proteins in the liquid part of your blood, or plasma, make the platelets stick to the hole. The proteins and platelets form a sticky plug that stops the blood from flowing out.

After your body heals the wound, it dissolves the clot.

You also can get blood clots if you have adiseasethat makes your body produce too manyred blood cells (RBCs)or platelets.

This is also referred to as a “hypercoagulable state.” Other diseases can prevent your body from breaking down blood clots properly when you no longer need them. Damage to the heart or blood vessels can affectblood flowand make clots more likely to form.

You’re more likely to get blood clots if you have one of these conditions.


Inatherosclerosis, or “hardening of the arteries,” a waxy substance called plaque builds up in your arteries. If the plaque bursts open, platelets rush to the scene to heal the injury, forming a blood clot.


Some types ofcancercan lead to tissue damage or inflammatory responses that may activate blood clotting. Some cancer treatments (such as chemotherapies) can also increase your risk for blood clots. In addition, having surgery to remove a cancer can put you at risk.


People withdiabetesare more likely to have plaque buildup in their arteries.

Family history of blood clots or an inherited blood-clotting disorder

Afamily history of blood clotsor aninherited blood-clotting disorder(如你的血凝块更easily) can put you at risk for developing blood clots. Typically, this condition on its own will not cause blood clots unless combined with one or more other risk factors.

Heart failure

Inheart failure, damage to the heart prevents it from pumpingas efficiently as it should. Blood flow slows, and clots are more likely to form in the sluggish blood.


Being immobile, or not moving for a long period of time, is another risk factor. Immobility is common after surgery, but extendedair travelor car travel can also lead to immobility.

When you’re immobile, your blood flow can slow down, which can cause your blood to clot.

If you’re traveling, stand up and move around regularly. If you’re going to have surgery, talk to your doctor about ways you canreduce your risk for blood clots.

Irregular heartbeat

If you have anirregular heartbeat, your heart beats in an uncoordinated way. This can cause blood to pool and form clots.


Pregnancyalso increases your risk for blood clots.

As your pregnancy progresses, your growinguteruscan compress your veins. That can slow down blood flow, especially to your legs. A decrease in blood flow to your legs can lead todeep vein thromboembolism (DVT), which is a serious form of blood clot.

Additionally, as your body prepares for delivery, your blood begins to clot more easily.

Clotting is importantfollowing childbirthas it will help prevent the loss of too much blood. However, this improved ability to clot can also increase your chances of blood clots prior to delivery. Moving around andstaying hydratedcan help prevent clotsduring pregnancy.

Unhealthy weight

People who areoverweightorobeseare more likely to have plaque in their arteries.


In vasculitis, blood vessels swell and become damaged. Clots can form in the injured areas.

Not everyone who has a blood clot will experience symptoms.

Anysymptoms of a blood clotthat you do experience will depend on where the clot is in your body.

Clot location Symptoms Other information
leg swelling,redness,pain, warmth,calf tenderness also known asdeep vein thrombosis (DVT)
arm swelling, redness orbluish,cramping, warmth, arm tenderness also known asdeep vein thrombosis of the upper extremities (DVT-UE)
lung shortness of breath,chest painthat gets worse when you breathe,coughing,fast heartbeat, cough that mightbring up bloody phlegm also known aspulmonary embolism (PE)
heart chestpainor heaviness, shortness of breath,left arm numbness,lightheadedness,nausea,sweating associated withheart attack
brain trouble speaking, sudden and severeheadache,loss of vision,dizziness, weakness in thefaceorlimbs associated withstroke
abdomen severeabdominal pain,vomiting,diarrhea also known asabdominal blood clots

Clots that form in small veins usually aren’t very serious. Ones that form in deep veins can travel to other parts of your body and cause a life-threatening blockage.

  • A DVT is a clot that forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg.
  • Pulmonary embolism (PE)happens when a clot breaks off and travels to the lungs. PE can block blood flow in the lung and make it difficult to breathe.
  • A blood clot in your heart can cause aheart attack.
  • A clot that travels to your brain can cause astroke.

Blood clots are a medical emergency. If you suspect you have a blood clot, you should contact your doctor or local emergency services immediately regarding treatment.

Blood thinnersmay be used to treat many different types of blood clots. Examples includewarfarin(Coumadin) andapixaban(Eliquis), which belong to a group of blood thinners known asanticoagulants.

Clopidogrel(Plavix)是另一种常用血液稀薄ner. It’s an antiplatelet, so it works by preventing the platelets from forming blood clots.

Drugs calledthrombolyticsmay be used if your blood clots are the result of a heart attack.

Some people with DVT and PE may have a filter placed inside theirinferior vena cava(the vein that carries blood to the heart). This filter preventsclots from traveling to the lungs.

Mechanical clot removals, also known asmechanical thrombectomies, can be performed in the event of a stroke.

Follow these tips to avoid getting a blood clot:

  1. Don’t sit for long periods of time. If you’re on a long flight or stuck in bed after surgery, try to get up every hour or so to move around, if possible. Staying active will prevent blood from pooling in your legs and forming a clot.
  2. If you’re overweight, try tolose weight. People who are overweight are at greater risk for plaque in the arteries that leads to blood clots.
  3. Controldiabetes andheart disease. These conditions can increase blood clot risk.
  4. Don’t smoke.Thechemicals in cigarettesdamage blood vessels and make platelets more likely to clump together.
  5. Drink a lot of water. Havingtoo little fluid in your bodymakes your blood thicker.

If you’re concerned about your risk for blood clots or would like more information, speak with your doctor.