
Read on to learn some facts about stage 4 bladder cancer, including what treatment options are available and what your life expectancy may be if you have stage 4 bladder cancer.

If you have第4阶段膀胱癌,这意味着您的癌症已经传播到以下任何或所有地方:

  • 你的腹壁
  • 你的骨盆墙
  • distant parts of your body


膀胱癌蔓延到身体的其他部位通常难以治疗,但不是无法治疗的。遥远的膀胱癌具有相对5年的生存率 5%


  • blood in your urine
  • 尿频
  • 排尿时疼痛或燃烧
  • 感觉就像你需要小便,但不能
  • back or pelvic pain




  • 吉西他滨(Gemzar)和顺铂
  • 甲氨蝶呤,长春碱,多柔比星(Adriamycin)和顺铂

If chemo shrinks your cancer significantly, your doctor might recommend a cystectomy, or surgery to remove all or part of your bladder.

Radiation therapy is another option for treatment. It’s used alone or in combination with chemo.

Sometimes, people with stage 4 bladder cancer are also given immunotherapy drugs like atezolizumab or pembrolizumab (Keytruda).

You may also choose to take part in clinical trials to gain access to new treatments that could help you live longer. You can search for clinical trials in the United Stateshere

根据美国癌症学会,大约 81,400 people in the United States will be newly diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2020.

当他们更容易治疗时,大多数膀胱癌都被诊断出来。关于 一半 在癌症仍然仅在膀胱壁的内层中发现所有膀胱癌。

关于 1在3 bladder cancers invade into deeper layers, but are still confined to the bladder.

只关于 4 percent 膀胱癌蔓延到身体的远处区域。

风险因素for bladder cancerinclude:

  • Smoking.关于 一半 诊断出的膀胱癌是由于吸烟。
  • 年龄较大。膀胱癌很少发生在比年龄较小的人中40
  • 白。与黑人或西班牙裔或西班牙裔或西班牙裔或西班牙裔或西班牙裔人相比,白人风险较高。
  • 是男性。Of the 新的估计情况 在2020年诊断出的膀胱癌的影响,男性可能会占62,100多位,女性只会占19,300人。
  • 接触化学品。Certain chemicals, like arsenic and those found in dyes, rubber, and paint, may increase your odds of bladder cancer.
  • 家史。如果一个亲密的家庭成员也有疾病,你更容易有膀胱癌。一些遗传条件可能进一步提高这种风险。
  • 慢性膀胱炎症。常见的尿感染或其他问题可能会使您更容易发生一种特定类型的膀胱癌。
  • 过去癌症治疗。The chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide and radiation treatments can both raise your chances of developing bladder cancer.

You might be more at risk for stage 4 bladder cancer if you ignore symptoms of the disease or don’t seek prompt treatment. A stage 4 diagnosis can happen even if you do see a doctor about your symptoms right away, however.

Some people with stage 4 bladder cancer may experience complications.


Surgery to remove all of your bladder may require doctors to create a new way for you to pass urine, such as a urostomy or a new bladder. With a urostomy, a plastic bag is attached to an opening in your abdominal wall to collect urine.




  • pain
  • weakness
  • loss of appetite
  • tiredness

Listen to your body, and don’t do too much. Rest when you’re tired so you can build up strength. Your doctor can prescribe certain medications to help effectively control your pain.


支持团体 can also be helpful for people looking for support outside of family and friends.

It’s important to remember that survival rates are only estimates and don’t apply to everyone. Each particular case is different.


If you or someone you know has stage 4 bladder cancer, it’s important to work with your doctor to find treatments that are right for you.