A woman stands in front of a mirror checking out a dark dot on her tooth. Share on Pinterest
Vesna Andjic / Getty Images

即使你是一个勤奋的装饰和小刀,斑点仍然可以展现在你的牙齿上。虽然某些类型的discolorationaren’t a cause for concern, a black or dark dot may point to a more serious issue like tooth decay.


In this article, we’ll explain the causes of these dark spots, what you can do to get rid of them, and how to know if you’re dealing with something more serious.


黑色或黑色的一些最常见原因棕色的spot on your tooth may be due to the following:

  • tooth decayor a
  • 受影响的牙齿受伤
  • tartar buildup在牙齿上
  • 染色由于某些食物或饮料等咖啡,茶和苏打等饮料,或使用尼古丁产品,如香烟,嚼烟和雪茄
  • 由于抗生素用作儿童而变色,最具体地,抗生素四环素
  • fluorosis, a condition that occurs from an excess intake offluoride
  • 医疗状况如celiac disease

如果食物和细菌建立在你的牙齿,can form a sticky substance known as牌匾.

If plaque is allowed to build up, the acids in plaque can erode theenamel在牙齿的表面上。这可能会导致空腔形成。

may include:

  • 牙齿上的暗点或污渍
  • 受影响的牙齿冷热敏感
  • 牙齿持续疼痛
  • 牙齿中的洞或坑
  • lingering sensitivity to sweet foods or drinks
  • pain while eating

If you have any of these symptoms, make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible to prevent further decay or complications.

填充are generally recommended for cavities when decay is closer to the surface and it doesn’t impact the tooth pulp or nerves.

当齿腐烂变得更先进并进入牙齿珐琅层下方的软核心时,牙齿内部的纸浆可以发炎或感染。当发生这种情况时,一个牙根is often needed to clean out the decay.

If you want to get rid of a dark dot or spot on your tooth — and it isn’t due to tooth decay — you have a few options.


According to a2017 review, current options for dental stain removal include:

  • 过氧化物基牙齿漂白试剂盒或美白条。Both at-home and professionalteeth whitening treatmentscan help remove stains and whiten your teeth.
  • Dental prophylaxis.该办公手术程序使用预防性浆料去除牙科斑块和微积分(牙垢)。糊状物中的研磨剂还可以帮助去除牙齿上的表面污渍。
  • 牙齿美白糊剂,粉末或液体。刷牙每天两次牙齿美白膏包括氟化物可以帮助去除食物碎片和斑块,以及表面污渍。成分可以包括过氧化物和小苏打, with baking soda being the desirable abrasive for stain removal.
  • 贴面。Some dentists may recommend porcelain饰面or composite bonding to hide stubborn dark spots. This is a more expensive option.

Although dark spots on your teeth aren’t uncommon, there are steps you can take to prevent staining and reduce your risk of tooth decay.

保持你的teeth healthy并寻找最佳,尝试其中一些提示:

  • Practice good oral hygiene by brushing with a whitening fluoride toothpaste and牙线at least twice a day. For best results, aim to brush your teeth for at least2 minutes. You can also use amouthwashthat has ingredients like alcohol, menthol, or eucalyptol. These ingredients can help kill bacteria in your mouth and on your teeth, but shouldn’t be used in place of brushing and flossing.
  • 在消耗食物和饮料后刷牙,可以造成斑点和污渍,如咖啡,茶,苏打水,葡萄酒,红色酱汁或巧克力。
  • 有些牙医建议通过吸管饮用咖啡或其他牙齿染色饮料,以防止液体触摸牙齿。
  • 避免使用nicotine productslike cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, or cigars.
  • 每6个月看到你的牙医进行检查routine cleaning.
  • Talk with your dentist about professional whitening treatments and any extra steps you should take to protect the health of your teeth.

Even if you regularly brush and floss, spots can still show up on your teeth.

Some discoloration from certain foods and drinks is common and isn’t typically a cause for concern. But a black dot or spot may be a warning sign of tooth decay.

