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如果您待正在等待intrauterine device (IUD)替代品使您充满了恐惧,深呼吸并尝试放松。很可能不会像您的第一个那样不舒服IUD insertion.

Ready to learn more? We’re answering all your IUD replacement Qs here.

First, take a breath. You’re going to be fine.

Here’s some info that might help:

  • Quick — pop an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. You probs have enough time for it to kick in by the time you’re called in, get changed, and assume position. (If you don’t have any available, ask the folks working the desk!)
  • Generally speaking, IUD replacement is often more comfortable than the initial insertion.
  • The entire appointment may seem long, but the actual移动of your current IUD and insertion of the new one typically takes a few minutes at most.

That depends on the IUD you have and your reason for removing it.

You can remove an IUD anytime, but if you want it replaced — and don’t want to get pregnant — removing it before it expires might spare you from needing a pregnancy test at your replacement appointment. (We’ll elaborate on that in a minute.)


  • Paragard:插入后长达10年
  • Mirena:插入后最多5年
  • Liletta: up to 5 years after insertion
  • Skyla: up to 3 years after insertion

Your appointment will begin with questions about your medical history and the signing of a consent form. This is also your chance to ask any questions you have about the procedure or recovery.

This is also when you’ll be given pain medication to help withcramping如果您还没有做什么。


Pregnancy test

Your appointment may or may not begin with a pregnancy test, says Alyssa Dweck, MD, OB-GYN, author of “完整的A到Z为您的V” and sexual health expert forINTIMINA.

“As long as the IUD hasn’t reached its expiration date, there’s no need for a pregnancy test at replacement time,” she says.

“A few caveats: Any abnormal bleeding at the time of replacement does warrant a pregnancy test,” adds Dweck. “Also, if one is using a hormonal IUD for cycle control (e.g., heavy流血的)并且不是性活跃的,从技术上讲不需要测试。”

Pelvic exam

Your doctor will perform a pelvic exam to check the position of your子宫并感到疼痛或其他异常。

The骨盆检查is a bimanual exam, meaning your doctor or another healthcare professional will insert two gloved fingers into your vagina while they use their other hand to press on your abdomen to feel your pelvic organs.

Antiseptic solution

The doctor will insert a lubricated speculum into your vagina. The speculum is the instrument that is used to open up your vaginal walls when you get a巴氏试验.

This allows the doctor to see yourcervix并用杀菌溶液清洁阴道和子宫颈。医生还可以应用局部麻醉剂来麻木子宫颈并帮助最大程度地减少不适。

IUD removal

Your doctor will use ring forceps to grasp the IUD strings and gently pull it out. This usually causes the arms of the IUD to collapse upward so the IUD slides out easily.

Measurement and IUD insertion

Once the IUD is out, a thin device called a uterine sound (basically a ruler for your V) is inserted into the vagina to measure the length of your uterine cavity and cervical canal.

This helps ensure the IUD gets inserted at the right depth and angle.


Your doctor will then remove the IUD from its sterile packaging, bend its arms back, and use a tube or slider to insert it through your vaginal canal and cervix into your uterus to the depth indicated by the sound.

Potential ultrasound

A quick ultrasound is sometimes performed after IUD insertion to check the placement of your new IUD.


If your OG IUD is difficult to remove or your strings have disappeared, an ultrasound might be used to figure out what’s happening and see where the IUD is positioned.


After the IUD replacement is finished, you’ll be able to lie there for a few minutes to make sure you feel OK before leaving.

Some people feel a bit dizzy or faint after, so stay put until you’re sure you’re fine. You might be given some juice and a snack to help. Feel free to bring your own just in case.



Probably not as bad as you’re imagining.

大多数专家的d people who’ve had an IUD replacement say that it’s not as painful as when you first get an IUD. Dweck agrees.


You shouldn’t feel anything other than some slight cramping after removing the IUD.

Some cramping during and after insertion of the new IUD is also normal.


Dweck recommends taking an OTC pain reliever like acetaminophen or ibuprofen 30 minutes prior to minimize discomfort.



Along with the cramping during and after, some light bleeding is common, too.

Aside from that, your new IUD may cause some of the same side effects as the last one, if any.

The most common IUD side effects tend to be temporary, lasting only3 to 6 months, and go away once your body gets used to the IUD and hormones — if using a hormonal IUD, that is.


  • cramping
  • low back pain
  • spotting
  • irregular periods

Some rare risks to be aware of:

  • 感染。有很小的风险感染after insertion of an IUD.
  • 开除。Your IUD shouldn’t shoot out of your body involuntarily, but there’s a 轻微 chance it could shift out of place.
  • Perforation.插入过程中穿孔的风险非常低。我们说的是发病率 1,000分之一 insertions.

We’ve already touched on taking an OTC pain reliever to help minimize discomfort or asking your provider for a prescription for anti-anxiety meds to take beforehand.

Other things you can do that can help you prep for the best experience possible:

  • 预约您的期限。这可能会使插入更轻松,更痛苦,因为您的子宫颈已经扩张。
  • 随身携带一瓶水和零食,以帮助您在手术后振作起来。
  • Have supplies ready for your recovery, like liners orperiod underwear, pain meds, and a heating pad.
  • If you can, arrange to have a day or two off of work or school so you can take it easy as you ride out any post-procedure cramping.

You should be able to have P-in-V sex as soon as you want after IUD replacement.

If the idea of penetration while you’re all crampy and spotting makes you cringe, there are plenty of other ways to get your sex on. Thinkmutual masturbation,solo play,干驼峰, anderogenous play, just to name a few.

In terms of pregnancy protection, how soon you’re protected depends on thetype of IUDyou’re using. ParaGard, Mirena, and Liletta IUDs prevent pregnancy as soon as they’re in place. Other IUDs are only effective immediately if inserted during the first 7 days of your period.

使用备份方法计划生育is a good idea if you decide to have P-in-V sex after IUD replacement. Using abarrier在接下来的第一个月中,也可能有助于降低感染的风险。

You’ll likely have a follow-up appointment 6 to 8 weeks after your IUD replacement to check that the strings are in place and don’t need to be trimmed further.

If you’re having any symptoms or if the IUD is causing you or your partner(s) any discomfort在p-in-v性行为期间, this is the time to bring it up.

See a healthcare professional right away if you:

  • have persistent pain or流血的
  • 注意阴道的臭味或排出
  • 发烧
  • think you might bepregnant


The actual removal and insertion take mere minutes, so any discomfort should be over before you know it.

If the idea of pain or your anxiety is getting the better of you, a doctor may be able to prescribe something to take the edge off.

Adrienne Santos-Longhurst is a Canada-based freelance writer and author who has written extensively on all things health and lifestyle for more than a decade. When she’s not holed-up in her writing shed researching an article or off interviewing health professionals, she can be found frolicking around her beach town with husband and dogs in tow or splashing about the lake trying to master the stand-up paddle board.