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If you’re considering a copper IUD, you likely have questions. Here’s everything you need to know about this birth control method.

The copper IUD is a long lasting, nonhormonal birth control placed into the uterus by a doctor, explainsKecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, double board certified in OB-GYN and maternal fetal medicine and the director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln.



How does it work?

医学博士Felice Gersh说,铜的作者说:PCOS SOS: A Gynecologist’s Lifeline to Naturally Restore Your Rhythms, Hormones, and Happiness。”

“What it comes down to is that copper creates a toxic environment for the sperm,” says Dr. Gersh.

The copper releases copper ions locally, which changes the lining of the uterus and the makeup of the cervical mucus, she says. Both of which make the environment less hospitable to the little swimmers.

Sperm is repelled by copper, so the copper ions also change the swimming pattern of the sperm.




First, a healthcare professional will insert aspeculuminto your vagina with the help of lubricant.

Your doctor will then prepare the IUD device by folding the “T” arms down into the IUD tube. Then they will place the IUD tube through the cervix into the uterus.

When they remove the tube, the arms will release into place.

All IUDs have a string that hangs down from the uterus into the vagina — your doctor will snip the string so it’s no more than an inch (ortwo) long.


How long does it take your body to adjust?

Many people experience cramping for a few hours to a few days after insertion. “Inserting an IUD requires opening the cervix and some cramping is a common reaction to that,” says Gersh.

This cramping is more common in folks who experience cramping leading up to or during their menstrual cycle.

铜宫内节育器的最常见副作用是较重且更长的时期 -especially the first 3 to 6 months盖特尔博士说,插入后。

Other side effects include:

  • 发现
  • irregular bleeding
  • increased or worsened cramping

“Because copper causes an inflammatory response in the body, and period cramps are a symptom of inflammation, the copper IUD can also worsen cramps,” says Gersh.

Copper IUDs are highly effective at preventing unwanted pregnancy. Within the first year of use, it’sover 99 percent有效的。到第10年,它的效率接近98%。

Depending on the type of insurance coverage you have, a copper IUD can either be completely covered by your plan or can cost up to $1,300 out of pocket.

如果您负担不起成本,则超过18岁,年收入总额为或低于或低于200%贫困指南, check out theParagard患者援助计划,这将为您提供免费的铜宫内节育器。

You can also reach out to your local health department, clinic, or Planned Parenthood to讨论您的选择。许多地点提供滑动规模的服务。



The copper IUD’s main benefit is that it majorly reduces the risk of unwanted pregnancy without the use of hormones.

“There are a number of reasons someone might want to avoid using a birth control method with hormones,” says Gersh.


非激素选项还可以避免激素, have been linked to several symptoms.

This includes:

  • reduced interest in sex
  • 恶心
  • 情绪波动
  • 乳房酸痛

Gersh adds that because copper IUDs are nonhormonal, they pose no risk to your bone and ligament health.


“与铜宫内节育器的并发症很少见,但可能是可能的,”医学博士Alyssa Dweck说:“The Complete A to Z for Your V” andINTIMINA性健康专家。这些包括:


This is when the IUD punctures the uterine wall, which occurs in about 1,000分之一 insertions.


  • 骨盆或下腹痛
  • fever
  • 严重的出血
  • 恶心
  • vomiting




  • severe cramping
  • heavy bleeding


This is more rare, but if infection happens with an IUD, it could reach the uterus or pelvis and cause scar tissue that can lead to fertility issues down the line, says Dr. Dweck.


  • abdominal pain
  • 释放
  • 穿透过程中的疼痛
  • pain during urination
  • fever

“ [这就是建议使用iud-havers的原因condoms and barriersto prevent STI transmission,” she says.

They’re not for everyone

People with active pelvic infections cannot have an IUD inserted. Those with abnormalities of the uterus such asfibroids可能要避免宫内节气,具体取决于异常程度。

任何患有铜过敏,不宽容或铜代谢疾病的人称为威尔逊氏病should also avoid getting a copper IUD.


Both the nonhormonal copper IUD and hormonal IUD are very effective at preventing pregnancy.



If you don’t feel comfortable adding synthetic hormones into your body, the nonhormonal copper IUD is an effective option that comes without the symptoms of hormonal IUDs.

铜宫内节育器不是永久的,但目前已批准10年in the United States.

If you decide you want to remove it for any reason before the decade is up, a healthcare professional can take it out. At that point, your fertility goes back to what it was before the IUD was inserted.

Copper IUDs are associated with heavy bleeding, particularly in the first 3 to 6 months after insertion. After 6 months, many people find that their periods return to their pre-IUD state.

If your bleeding is heavy or happening at other times in your cycle, talk to your healthcare professional. Your doctor may need to evaluate if there’s another underlying cause that needs to be addressed.


“It literally takes just a few seconds,” says Gersh.

Occasionally, the string will be too short to grab, or it will be up in the uterus. In that case, your doctor will use a smaller medical tool to reach it.

“如果患者无法忍受用钩子绳子的不适,那么您必须做一个hysteroscopy, which is an invasive procedure that involves anesthetics… but this is very, very rare,” says Gersh.

If you want something you can mostly set and forget, talk to a doctor about your options for IUDs or other long-term contraception. They can answer any questions you may have and advise you on next steps.

If you try a copper IUD and later decide that it isn’t for you, you can meet with your provider to have it removed. You can then work with your doctor to find another避孕方法that better suits your needs.

加布里埃尔·卡塞尔(Gabrielle Kassel)is a New York-based sex and wellness writer and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. She’s become a morning person, tested over 200 vibrators, and eaten, drunk, and brushed with charcoal — all in the name of journalism. In her free time, she can be found reading self-help books and romance novels, bench-pressing, or pole dancing. Follow her onInstagram