
Birth control pills contain hormones. These hormones change how your reproductive organs work in order to prevent pregnancy. Combination pills contain man-made versions of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones prevent the release of an egg from the ovary, or ovulation. They also thicken your cervical mucus, which makes it hard for sperm to travel to your uterus and fertilize an egg.

Low-dose progesterone birth control pills, known as minipills, also change cervical mucus. Minipills take prevention one step further by thinning the lining of the uterus. This makes it difficult for implantation to occur.

The side effects of birth control are generally mild. These may include:

  • 发现或不规则出血
  • 乳房酸痛
  • nausea
  • a headache
  • changes in libido

Many women also report weight gain and depression or mood swings.


Depression is more than a temporary case of the blues. It’s a mood disorder characterized by long-term feelings of sadness and disinterest. Depression can interfere with daily life. The symptoms range in severity and may include:

  • persistent sadness
  • persistent anxiety
  • feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
  • 易怒
  • 疲劳
  • decreased energy
  • 困难集中
  • 失去对爱好的兴趣
  • 减少性欲
  • 食欲增加或减少
  • suicidal thoughts
  • 自杀企图
  • 疼痛
  • 痛苦
  • 消化问题


  • 生物学
  • psychology
  • genetics
  • the environment




By contrast, a more recent study published in theArchives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (AGO)concluded that depression isn’t a common side effect of birth control pills. This study maintained that the link between the two is unclear.


Despite the lack of a definite link, many women report feeling depressed while taking birth control pills. According to the AGO study, this may be due to “the inconsistent use of the word depression.” This could also be due to variance in pill formulations



Even though the evidence is contradictory, many drug manufacturers list depression on birth control package inserts as a possible side effect. For example, thephysician’s insertfor the combination pills Ortho Tri-Cyclen and Ortho-Cyclen lists mental depression as a side effect likely to be caused by the drug.


