
The contraceptive sponge, or birth control sponge, is a soft, round piece of plastic foam with a loop for removal. It’s available over the counter in many drugstores. The sponge is filled with a spermicide known as nonoxynol-9. You insert the sponge deep into your vagina before sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy.

The sponge works in three ways:

  1. 它通过覆盖子宫颈阻止精子施肥。
  2. 它不断释放杀虫剂以杀死接近子宫颈的精子。
  3. 它可以吸收并捕获精子。



  1. 用肥皂和清水洗手。
  2. 用干净的水弄湿海绵并挤压以激活杀精子剂。海绵应一直湿,但不要滴水。当您挤压它时,应该非常闷闷不乐。
  3. 将海绵折叠起来,远离循环,使其长而狭窄。
  4. 尽可能将海绵深入到阴道中。
  5. 释放海绵。它将展开并覆盖您的子宫颈。
  6. 将手指滑动在海绵边缘,以确保覆盖子宫颈。

You can insert the birth control sponge immediately before you have sex or up to 24 hours beforehand. You can have sex multiple times while using the sponge. However, you should not keep the sponge in for more than 30 hours, and keep in mind you must wait at least six hours after having sex to remove the sponge.


  1. 用肥皂和清水洗手。
  2. 将手指插入阴道并抓住循环。
  3. 轻轻拉出海绵并扔掉。不要将海绵从厕所里冲洗。不要重复使用海绵。


  • 每次未分娩并正确使用海绵的女性9%
  • 12 percent for women who haven’t given birth and don’t use the sponge correctly every time
  • 20 percent for women who have given birth and use the sponge correctly every time
  • 分娩的妇女24%,每次都不正确使用海绵

To improve the effectiveness of the sponge, ask your partner to pull out before ejaculating. He can also use a condom as added protection.



You should not use the sponge if you are allergic to sulfites (a chemical found in some food and wine), the spermicide, or any of the sponge’s materials. Doing so may lead to an allergic reaction.

海绵还与略有增加的风险有关toxic shock syndrome(TSS)。这种情况可能会导致发热、休克、和organ damage. To reduce your risk of TSS from the sponge, make sure to:

  • 按照包装说明仔细插入和删除
  • 切勿离开海绵超过30小时
  • avoid using the sponge entirely during menstruation or if you have vaginal bleeding


节育海绵可能适合您,或者其他形式的节育may be more suitable. Selecting a method of birth control that is right for you often comes down to finding the right balance between your personal preferences and what’s appropriate according to your medical history. Talk to your doctor about all of your options.