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An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, T-shaped device made of plastic that’s placed inside your uterus to prevent pregnancy.

They provide long lasting, reliable protection against pregnancy, and they’rereversible。There are two概要的类型: hormonal and non-hormonal.

非常有效的!他们是 over 99 percent effective to be precise.

This means that less than 1 out of every 100 people using an IUD will become pregnant in a year.

Each type of IUD works a bit differently, but with the same outcome: to make it difficult for sperm to reach an egg.

ParaGard is wrapped in copper coil. The copper ions released into your uterus create an environment that’s inhospitable to sperm. Basically, the copper leaves sperm powerless, so it can’t fertilize an egg and get you pregnant.



An IUD is inserted by a healthcare professional. The appointment should only take a half hour or so, with the actual insertion taking no more than a minute or two.

在程序可以帮助之前,拍摄过度计数器(OTC)疼痛保证人pain但是insertion process对每个人感觉不一样。


  • your individual pain tolerance
  • 你的颈部管道的长度
  • 你以前曾经送了一个阴道婴儿

Many find the insertion process more uncomfortable than painful, and they describe feeling a quick pinching sensation during insertion.

Other people experience moderate to severe abdominal pain, cramping, and pressure during the procedure. In some cases, you might break into a sweat, feel nauseous, or get lightheaded.

这些副作用should subside within a few hours or the next day.

If you’re concerned about pain or feeling anxious, talk with your clinician. They can usually prescribe medication in advance, such as pain relievers, an anti-anxiety medication, or a medication to soften your cervix. Local anesthetic or nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas) can also be used during the procedure to take the edge off.


ParaGard can prevent pregnancy as soon as it’s in place. Hormonal IUDs are only effective immediately if inserted during the first 7 days of yourperiod



Spotting也是常见的,应该停止3到6个月。Keeping panty liners on hand or wearingperiod underwearcan help avoid any messes.

IUDs are safe for most, but having certain conditions can increase the likelihood of side effects and complications.


Also, ParaGard isn’t recommended if you:

  • are allergic to copper
  • 有一种血液紊乱,可防止血液凝固
  • have威尔逊的疾病

荷尔蒙特不应该被那些人使用的人使用breast cancer

Other possible risks include:

  • 感染。There’s a small risk of infection after insertion. The risk is highest (though still very low) in the first20天,然后它显着下降。
  • Expulsion.There’s a slight chance that your IUD could shiftoutof place. Using a月经杯,岁以下of 20, and never having been pregnant can increase the risk of expulsion.
  • Perforation.There’s a very low risk of perforation during insertion. We’re talking a1 to 2 in 1,000chance.

You can have your IUD taken out anytime — just make an appointment with a doctor or other healthcare professional.

Your IUD will protect against pregnancy for as long as you have it in, so long as you don’t keep it in beyond its expiration date.



IUD removalis usually a quick and simple process. Your clinician will use forceps to gently pull the IUD’s strings, which causes the “arms” to collapse upward so the IUD slides out.

If needed, your clinician has special instruments that can be used to get it out. Surgery is used in the rare event that it can’t be removed.

You can!IUD替代在与删除相同的约会中完成。去除旧的一个和插入新的一个通常需要约5到10分钟。

Just like with the initial insertion appointment, you can ask your clinician to prescribe medication in advance to help with discomfort and anxiety.

IUD removal and replacement isn’t — at least anecdotally — considered as painful as when you first get an IUD.


Consult your doctor or other healthcare professional if:

  • IUD字符串的感觉比以前更短或长
  • the IUD感觉就像它一样转移or is coming out
  • 你的胃或下腹部有严重的疼痛和痉挛
  • 你有heavier-than-usualvaginal bleeding
  • 渗透性变得痛苦
  • 你在性活动期间或之后出血
  • 你有a change in the appearance or amount of your阴道分配
  • 你发烧,寒意或呼吸困难
  • 你认为你可能是pregnant
  • 你有sex without a barrierwith someone who has an STI

Adrienne Santos-Longhurst is a Canada-based freelance writer and author who has written extensively on all things health and lifestyle for more than a decade. When she’s not holed-up in her writing shed researching an article or off interviewing health professionals, she can be found frolicking around her beach town with husband and dogs in tow or splashing about the lake trying to master the stand-up paddle board.