Let’s face it, sleep is a big part of our lives — even if we’re not getting 8 hours. But there’s more to it than you might think. Your sleeping position plays a big role in your sleep quality, which means it might be time for you to switch it up.


Taking the time to gradually train yourself to sleep in a new position could be the secret to improving yoursleep quality。However, if that’s something you aren’t comfortable with, don’t stress about it. You can also try modifying your favorite sleeping position to make sure you’re getting the most out of it.

The fetal position involves sleeping on your side with bent legs curled in toward your body. It’s the most popular sleeping position — and for good reason. Not only is it great for lower back pain orpregnancy, but sleeping in the fetal position can also help减少打s

Still, sleeping in the fetal position does have a few downsides. Make sure your posture is relatively loose, otherwise your comfy position could limit deep breathing while you snooze. Also, if you have any issues with joint pain or stiffness, sleeping in a tight fetal position might leave you sore in the morning.


If you want to make the fetal position more comfortable, make sure your posture is loose and relaxed when you curl up. Keep your legs relatively extended. You can even try sleeping with a pillow between your knees.

侧睡觉is similar to sleeping in the fetal position, but your legs aren’t pulled in toward your body. Like the fetal position, sleeping on your side is pretty good for you. In addition to reducing snoring, it’s great for digestion and may even reduce heartburn.

尽管有这些好处,但在您身边睡觉可能并不总是最好的。它不仅会导致肩膀的刚度,而且还会导致下巴紧on that side.


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Is there a better side to sleep on?


一个小的,older studylooked at 10 people over the course of 2 days. The first day, participants rested on their right side after eating a high-fat meal. On the second, they switched to the left side. Researchers found that the right side was associated with increased heartburn and酸回流,因此睡在左边可能会更有益。



If you prefer sleeping on your side,选择一个好枕头避免颈部和背部疼痛。无论哪一侧的任何一侧都能感到最舒适,但是如果不适合您,请不要害怕切换到其他位置。

Read more about side sleeping.

如果我们必须对睡眠姿势进行排名,那么躺在您的胃中可能就在列表的底部。虽然这是打s的好位置或 sleep apnea , the benefits don’t extend much further.

不幸的是,sleeping on your stomachcan cause both neck and back pain. It can also add a lot of unnecessary strain to your muscles and joints, which is why you might be waking up sore and tired. Placing a pillow under your lower belly might help reduce back pain.


要使您的肚子睡觉更舒适,请尝试用薄的头枕头或没有枕头睡觉,以减轻脖子上的压力。您也可以尝试在骨盆下面滑动枕头reduce lower back pain.


在您的背上睡觉可带来最大的健康益处。它可以保护您的脊椎,也可以帮助缓解髋关节和knee pain

睡觉ing on your back uses gravity to keep your body in an even alignment over your spine. This can help reduce any unnecessary pressure on your back or joints. A pillow behind your knees may help support the natural curve of the back.

Plus, if you’re worried about keeping your skin looking fresh, sleeping on your back protects the skin on your face from wrinkling.

另一方面,对于那些经历打ing或sleep apnea。对于任何背痛的人来说,这也可能很困难,这就是为什么要确保您得到适当的支持很重要的原因。


如果您在背上睡觉,请尝试用膝盖后面的枕头睡觉减轻背部疼痛and relieve pressure on your spine. If you’recongested,您还可以用额外的枕头支撑自己,以使呼吸更轻松。


So, how do you figure out which sleeping position is best for you? There’s no one-size-fits all approach, so you’ll need to experiment with a few positions to find one that’s both comfortableandleaves you feeling well-rested (and pain-free) when you wake up.

The following chart offers some suggestions, but they won’t work the same for everyone. When in doubt, listen to your body. If you just can’t get comfortable enough to sleep in a certain position, don’t force it.

关心 可以尝试的位置 Additional tips
low back pain side, fetal, back 在您身边睡觉时,请尝试在膝盖之间放置枕头,以帮助脊椎对齐。
neck pain back, side 如果在您的侧面睡觉时,请使用较厚的枕头,而在背部睡觉时则使用较薄的枕头。
sleep apnea, snoring 一面,胎儿,胃 If sleeping on your stomach, try putting a pillow under your pelvis and consider using a thinner pillow under your head.
酸回流 side 睡觉ing on your left side may be more effective than sleeping on your right side.
pregnancy fetal, side Experiment with using a body pillow or wedge pillow for added comfort.
sinus congestion back Prop your head up with an extra pillow to help with drainage.
臀部或膝盖疼痛 back 尝试将枕头放在膝盖下,以减轻脊椎的压力。

您的睡眠位置比您想象的重要。尝试保留一两个星期的睡眠日记,以帮助您找出满足您需求的最佳睡眠情况。您可以跟踪睡眠习惯和睡眠质量中的任何图案 - 这样您就可以更好地了解工作与无效的方法。

Remember, you don’t have to change your sleeping position if you aren’t having any issues. Do what feels best for you. The most important thing is to make sure you’re waking up feeling rested and ready to go.