不育can feel like a hopeless sentence for people dreaming of having a baby. But the support and camaraderie of people who are going through the same struggle can offer valuable perspective.

In compiling this year’s best infertility blogs, we looked for the ones that are committed to educating, inspiring, and empowering people during their infertility journeys. We hope you find insight, hope, and comfort here.

Dreaming of Diapers

这个不孕的博客是由一个自称的“南方女孩”和她的丈夫撰写的,他们一直在努力构想过去5年。在令人心碎的诚实帖子中,她记载了旅程的每一步 - 从“找出我的潜在代孕不能使她整整5毫米的衬里成长”到“在抑郁症之后识别抑郁症”。她的博客和生活可以很好地总结在“斗争是故事的一部分”中。

Stirrup Queens

Melissa and her husband have twins who were conceived via fertility treatments, and they’re trying to grow their family. She shares her experience with infertility and conception on her blog, where visitors will find information relating to diagnoses, surrogacy, treatment options, helpful guides, medications, tests and surgeries, and loss.

Learning Center by RMA of CT

康涅狄格州的生殖医学伙伴维护了此博客,该博客具有丰富的个人故事,当前新闻和研究,最新的生育治疗,医生的聚光灯,prenatal vitaminrecommendations, and other useful content.

生活Without Baby

经过五年的不孕旅程,丽莎·曼特菲尔德(Lisa Manterfield)停止了自己的更深层次的问题和情感,并与不包括亲生孩子的未来达成协议。她写了一本书并创建了一个博客,该博客已成为其他妇女,试图以不包括身体分娩在内的生活和平。这是一个安全且充满支持的地方,可以进行交谈和同情心。


As the name implies, this is a resource for all things egg freezing. The information is intended to inspire and educate women about oocyte cryopreservation by serving as a roadmap complete with extensive medical information for navigating the fertility journey all the way to motherhood. The blog shares guides and personal stories about egg freezing to offer a range of perspectives.




怀孕is an online magazine dedicated to educating and supporting women and men throughout all the stages of the fertility process. The topics are easy to navigate based on your interests, where you can learn about IVF and IUI treatments, as well as self-care tips. While there are articles dedicated to couples along with relationship tips, Pregnantish also has a dedicated section to single women. While you’re learning and connecting, be sure to check out the Events page to see future local and online get togethers for additional support.


作为加利福尼亚领先的不孕设施之一,Laurel Fertility Care的博客可以为寻求生育信息的任何人提供宝贵的信息,无论您的位置如何。通过阅读这些文章,您将了解不孕症的一些可能原因以及可能的治疗和生活方式考虑,以与您自己的生育专家讨论。滚动浏览博客以获取用于治疗副作用的其他帖子,以及与不育的一些令人惊讶的链接,您可能没有在其他任何地方阅读。

IVF Babble

With so much information available about infertility, some people are looking for websites that focus on a variety of topics. If this sounds up your alley, be sure to check out IVF Babble. Not only will you find blogs related to treatment and lifestyle, but you can also ask questions of infertility experts and have them answered right on the website. Be sure to check for updates on the blog daily, as new articles are posted multiple times a day. You can even follow readers’ stories and share your own if you wish.

The Stork and I

Mel started The Stork and I to share her experiences with solo motherhood. Here, you can read personal stories about Mel’s journey, where she debunks the myths and stereotypes associated with being single and wanting to be a mother. You won’t want to miss her take on some topics you may not find on other infertility blogs, such as attending weddings and celebrating Father’s Day as a solo mom. Mel also happens to be an infertility coach, so be sure to check out her courses and one-on-one sessions if you’re interested.





The Broken Brown Egg

里贾纳·汤森(Regina Townsend)写了这个非常个人的博客,其灵感来自于4年前IVF的儿子犹大的10年旅程。她的博客包括有关健康和心理健康,个人故事,不育资源,即将发生的事件以及“ Mamahood”经验的部分。她总是保持真实,不糖衣。里贾纳(Regina)是一名受到写作热情的职业的图书馆员。她的话总是充满对自己的感受的凄美理解,作为一个面对不育的黑人妇女,成为“少数人”。

If you have a favorite blog you’d like to nominate, please email us atbestblogs@雷竞技app官网healthline.com