Beriberi is a disease caused by a vitamin B1 deficiency, also known as thiamine deficiency. It often occurs in developing countries among people with a diet that consists mostly of white rice or highly refined carbohydrates.


  • 湿脚蹼
  • dry beriberi

Wet beriberi affects the heart and circulatory system. In extreme cases, wet beriberi can causeheart failure

Dry beriberi damages the nerves and can lead to decreased muscle strength and eventually肌麻痹。如果没有对待,伯铁可以是生命的危险。

如果您可以访问富含硫胺素的食品,您的开发北友的机会很低。今天,在美国,Beriberi主要发生在人们身上酒精使用障碍and may also occur as a complication of weight loss surgery.

Beriberi from other causes is rare in the United States. Still, the disease can be seen in:

  • women who have extreme nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarum的)
  • 有艾滋病的人
  • 丧失肥胖手术之后的人

What does vitamin B1 do?

The symptoms of beriberi vary depending on the type.

Wet beriberi symptoms include:





  • loss of memory
  • 无法形成新的记忆
  • 幻觉


Beriberi is most common in regions of the world where the diet includes unenriched, processed white rice, which only has a tenth 根据国家卫生研究院的说法,硫胺素的数量为糙米。

Other factors may cause thiamine deficiency, as well. These include:

  • alcohol misuse,这可以使您的身体难以吸收和储存硫胺素
  • genetic beriberi, a rare condition that prevents the body from absorbing thiamine
  • hyperthyroidism(overactive thyroid gland)
  • 极端的孕期恶心和呕吐
  • 减肥手术
  • 艾滋病
  • prolonged diarrhea or use ofdiuretics(让您排尿的药物更多)
  • 正在接受肾透析
  • malnutrition
  • diabetes

Breastfeeding mothers need daily thiamine in their diet. Infants drinking breast milk or formula low in thiamine are at risk for thiamine deficiency.

Thiamine deficiency is also more common in cancer patients. Restrictive diets, eating disorders, and inflammatory bowel disease can also cause thiamine deficiency.

You will need a series of medical tests to determine whether you have beriberi. Blood and urine tests will measure the levels of thiamine in your body.

Doctors will also perform a neurological exam to look for lack of coordination,difficulty walking下垂眼睑那and weak reflexes. People with later stages of beriberi will show memory loss, confusion, or delusions.

A physical exam will alert your doctor to any heart problems. Rapid heartbeat, swelling of the lower legs, and difficulty breathing are all symptoms of beriberi.





If you give your infant formula, you should also check that it contains enough thiamine.
Always be sure to purchase infant formula from a reliable source.


If beriberi is diagnosed and treated early, the outlook is good. Nerve and heart damage from beriberi is usually reversible when it’s caught in the early stages. Recovery is often quick once you begin treatment.

If beriberi progresses to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, the outlook is poor. While treatment can manage symptoms of Wernicke encephalopathy, brain damage from Korsakoff syndrome is often permanent.
