
Finding hair in your brush is normal: We shed. But if a person starts losing an unusual amount of hair, it can be cause for concern.

通常会损失头发对您的外观或温暖没有太大影响,因为您的头部还有更多的东西可以弥补daily loss。但是,当您开始看到头皮或秃头时,可能会有更重要的原因。

当你想到hair loss,您可能会想到遗传因素,例如male pattern baldness。激素,甲状腺问题和其他疾病也可能导致脱发。

So, what are these various causes, and how do you know if they’re to blame for your excessive shedding?

Women may lose hair在分娩之后或在menopause。拥有的女人激素失衡可以脱发。

除了遗传男性模式秃头,男人还可以丢发头发激素组成changes with age. Hair loss is caused by your follicles’ response to the hormone二氢睾丸激素(DHT)

也许最常见的与激素相关的脱发原因之一是thyroid problem。两者都过多甲状腺激素(甲状腺功能亢进) and too little (hypothyroidism) can lead to hair loss. Treating the thyroid disorder can often reverse the hair loss.

Physical and psychological stress会导致脱发。手术,高温, andblood loss会导致足够的压力导致过度脱落。分娩会导致分娩后几个月的脱发。

至于心理压力,联系是定义不太明确。但是,许多人报告说有时会掉头发extreme mental stress or anxiety。出于其他原因脱发仍然会给人带来压力。

这causes of physical stress are often temporary, and the hair loss subsides as the body heals.

You can combat mental stress withlifestyle changes, 如:



药品可以带来一长串副作用,包括脱发。化学疗法is the most well-known cause, but others include:

这se medications affect people differently and may not cause hair loss in everyone.


狼疮是一个自身免疫性疾病那可能导致hair loss。通常,脱发是零散的,伴随着头皮上的病变

Some狼疮药also may lead to hair loss.

Many other medical conditions can lead to abnormal balding, including:

皮肤状况,例如psoriasisanddermatitis可以在头皮上发生并干扰头发生长。感染,例如ringworm of the scalpand卵泡炎也可能导致脱发。

寻找脱发的人寻找原因和潜在治疗是可以理解的。Research将脱发绑在一起降低自尊心,身体形象问题和增加焦虑。这Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology建议在诊断脱发时评估焦虑和压力。

