Acne is themost commonskin problem in the United States. And many people who suffer with acne later find themselves with a new problem: acne scars.

痤疮疤痕是治疗过程的一部分s, according to theAmerican Academy of Dermatology (AAD)。痤疮清除后,皮肤试图纠正瑕疵造成的损害。通过产生胶原蛋白,它可以治愈皮肤。太少了胶原蛋白,您剩下的凹形疤痕。太多了,您会凸起的疤痕。


也称为Nigella sativa,黑种子油原产于东欧,西亚和中东。它是一种相对常见的药用植物,可以在线找到油。除具有抗菌和抗病毒特性外,该油还具有抗炎作用。但是减少炎症并不是它可能有助于减少疤痕的唯一方法。Studieshave found it to be able to speed up as well as improve wound healing. It can also even out pigmentation or even prevent acne altogether.

Marketed largely as a solution for aging, rosehip seed oil is widely available and is safe to apply directly to the skin.一项研究也表明可以用来治疗疤痕。尽管该研究特定于手术疤痕,但该油在减少痤疮疤痕方面也可能同样有用。研究人员发现,每天将其应用两次可以减少疤痕和变色的外观。

You don’t even have to go to the drugstore for this potential acne scar remedy. Honey is used fornumerous medicinal purposes, including burns, wounds, and herpes. And research indicates that it can speed wound healing, reducing the potential for scarring. Researchers found that directly applying honey can help with wound clearing and wound cleansing because of its antibacterial properties. It is also able to fight infections that could otherwise cause more acne to appear.

Like honey, aloe vera is a common home remedy. In the case of acne, it works similarly to aid the healing process. According to a study in the Annals of Plastic Surgery , applying aloe vera directly to wounds reduced inflammation and scar tissue size. You can find aloe vera gels and products at drugstores, but you can also grow the plant yourself. Cut into the leaves and apply the sticky gel directly to the skin.

There is no significant research out there that proves that lemon juice is effective at getting rid of your acne scars. However,anecdotal evidenceis ample. Many say they’ve found great success in applying lemon juice to acne scars. Advocates say it helps reduce discoloration and even out your skin tone. Because lemon juice is highly acidic, apply just a few drops directly to scars.

的确,很少provennatural remedies for acne scars. However, compared to the many more expensive creams and lotions — whose effects are equally unproven — there are added benefits of going natural. Namely, less expense, and few if any side effects. In other words, it doesn’t hurt to try.