




Although you can still make glycerin soap at home, this ingredient is widely available in over-the-counter (OTC) beauty products.

Read on to learn more about its potential benefits, what to look for in an OTC product, how to make it at home, and more.


This makes glycerin soap vegan-friendlyand对于有sensitive skin

皮肤的天然油脂往往剥夺了the bathing process, whether from hot water or harsh products. Glycerin can help lock in your skin’s natural moisture and prevent over-drying.

This may be especially beneficial if you experience drying conditions like:

At the same time, glycerin is nongreasy. This means it’s a good choice for anyone with oily or combination skin.

甘油也可能有抗衰老的好处。根据一项报道的小鼠研究Science Daily, the ingredient can help even out your skin tone and texture. This may reduce the appearance of fine lines and other surface blemishes.


“Hypoallergenic” is a term that means a particular product isn’t likely to cause an allergic reaction. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn’t recognize this attribute or regulate the way this term is used.

That means that cosmetic manufacturers can label their products as hypoallergenic without having any scientific proof to support their claim.



  1. Apply a small amount of your chosen soap product into the inside of your forearm.
  2. 按照指示清洁并冲洗区域。
  3. 等待一两天,看看是否出现任何症状。
  4. 如果您没有任何刺激或炎症,则应安全地使用其他地方。


甘油easily absorbs water, so a bar of this soap may not last as long as conventional varieties. Taking it out of the shower after each use prevents it from dissolving under unintentional water spray.



甘油is water-soluble and clear in color. It’s also naturally fragrance-free. If you can’t see or smell the product before buying, look at the ingredient label to make sure it doesn’t contain additives like fragrances.

许多OTC soaps含有甘油以及其他成分。这可能包括精油,染料和合成材料。如果标签上还有其他成分以及甘油,这意味着您不在查看纯甘油肥皂。

Although additives won’t render glycerin ineffective, they increase your risk for irritation and other side effects.

Liquid glycerin is availableat your local food store, but you can’t just open the bottle and use the liquid as soap. You can use liquid glycerin to make your own bar of glycerin soap, though.

To make glycerin soap at home, you need plant oils, lye, and liquid glycerin. You also need 70-percent proof alcohol (as in liquor,notisopropyl or rubbing alcohol) and distilled water.

有不同的glycerin soap recipes online,可以提供数量和安全指南,但它们都共享一些基本步骤:

  1. 戴上手套和安全眼镜后,非常慢慢地撒上蒸馏水(never add water to lye)。
  2. Add the lye solution to the plant oils, such as coconut or vegetable.
  3. Begin to heat the ingredients on the stove or in a slow cooker
  4. Add the liquid glycerin and alcohol to the mixture.
  5. 成分完全溶解后,将混合物倒入您的mold of choice并允许冷却。


While OTC products are an option, many of these contain other ingredients, too. Although additives won’t diminish glycerin’s healing and moisturizing properties, they do increase your risk for irritation and other side effects.

If you’d rather not make soap from scratch, do what you can to locate a pure glycerin soap product. You should be able to find an authentic bar of glycerin soap at your local health store or at online retailers.