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Dermal fillers refer to substances like hyaluronic acid that are injected directly into the skin to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other effects of aging on the skin.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of using dermal fillers in your temples, as well as some possible risks and what to expect during the procedure.

Dermal fillers in your temples are largely considered safe and can be used for a variety of benefits.

However, your temples are one of the most anatomically difficult areas to inject due to the amount of vessels in the area and the kinds of vessels that are there.

One wrong injection in this area can lead to blindness. Be certain that you and your healthcare provider know and discuss any potential risks before opting for this solution.

Here’s what you can expect from injecting dermal fillers in your temples.

Fills in hollow temples


Dermal fillers like hyaluronic acid can help fill in these hollows and restore volume to the temples and brow area.

Reduces wrinkles

Many dermal fillers can add volume to the temple area and plump skin up. This can help stretch out your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles around your temples, eyes, and forehead.

Hyaluronic acidis especially suited for this purpose because your body naturally produces this substance. This means that your body can re-absorb it without causing any toxicity, with results lasting at least 12 months


Some dermal fillers help your body produce natural胶原that can restore the fats in your temples. They can firm up the skin and reduce wrinkles while giving the skin a more youthful look.


Has reduced procedure and recovery time

Dermal fillers in the temples only take a few minutes to inject and have a full recovery time of less than a few days. You also don’t need to be put under anesthesia or have someone take you home after the procedure.

Plastic surgery, on the other hand, requires anesthesia and, in some cases, admission to a medical facility. This can be more costly than an outpatient procedure.


Lifts your eyes

In some cases, using dermal fillers in your temples can help lift the sides of your eyes nearest to the temples.

The additional volume of dermal fillers can firm up and add volume in the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles often called “鱼尾纹” that accumulate around the eyes.

Is long-lasting but not permanent

Unlike plastic surgery, dermal fillers are temporary, lasting anywhere from 6 months to several years before needing to be redone.

This can be a downside for some, but it may be good if you end up not satisfied with your appearance or unhappy with the side effects.

You can also modify the amount of filler or exact position of the filler at different appointments in case you want to achieve different looks until you’re fully satisfied with the results.

任何类型的注射填料都是可能的副作用。Some are common and not serious, as they usually go away within a week or so.




Rare side effects

Here are some more rare but serious side effects:

While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several dermal fillers, they haven’t approved any of them specifically for use in the temples. This is an off-label use for these products and must be used with caution by a trained provider.

这里有以下应用真皮填充物roved by the FDA for use in other areas:

  • 透明质酸(JuvédermandRestylane),主要是FDA批准的脸颊,下巴,背部手,嘴唇,骨线,鼻腔褶皱,适用于严重的面部皱纹
  • 羟基磷灰石(Radiesse), which is approved for nasolabial folds and dorsal hands
  • poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) (Sculptra Aesthetic), which is approved for nasolabial folds
  • polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and collagen (贝拉菲尔),被批准用于鼻涕褶皱,并在脸颊上适度至严重萎缩面部痤疮疤痕


  1. 您将被带到一个洁净的房间,您可以坐下或躺下。
  2. The area to be injected is cleansed very well with alcohol and cleaning solutions to insure there’s no makeup or bacteria sitting on your skin.
  3. 将应用局部麻醉剂,或者将注入利多卡因,进入您收到填料以减少注射疼痛的区域。注意,一些皮肤填料(例如radiesse)可能已经在溶液中具有利多卡因或其他麻木剂。
  4. A sterile syringe containing the dermal filler is prepared.
  5. The surgeon or specialist will gently insert the needle into the temple area and slowly release the substance from the syringe into the temple. You may feel a brief stinging or pinching sensation when the needle goes in.
  6. They’ll remove the needle and clean up any blood or leakage that comes from the injection site.
  7. Your provider may also massage the area gently to make sure there are no lumps or bumps.
  8. 这将重复每个寺庙区域。每个站点可能需要每次访问多次注射,具体取决于您所需的结果。


Here’s what to do after you’ve gotten your dermal fillers:

  1. Don’t sleep on your temples or put any pressure on them for a few days after your injections. Sleep on your back with your face up.
  2. 在程序后大约48小时内不要做任何激烈的运动。
  3. Try not to touch your temples until any pain, swelling, or discomfort has passed.
  4. Gently clean and rinse your temples regularly (at least once per day) to reduce infection risk.



Here’s a breakdown of the平均价格for an individual injection for some of the most popular dermal fillers, according to theAmerican Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)

  • 透明质酸:644美元
  • calcium hydroxylapatite: $687
  • poly-L-lactic acid: $773
  • polymethylmethacrylate beads: $859

You may also need to return for multiple injections throughout the year to sustain the appearance that you achieve with the use of these fillers.

Here are some questions you should ask before you choose a provider:

  • 他们是否在面部化妆品程序中有教育和医学背景或专业化?
  • Are they currently licensed to practice medicine?
  • 他们是否授权执行该程序?
  • 他们是否特别是在注射皮肤填料时培养?
  • Do they have before-and-after photographs of their work specific to what you want done?
  • 他们明白你要去的样子吗?
  • Will the provider themselves be injecting the dermal fillers or will it be delegated to another provider?


