Aging: It’s a process that elicits mixed emotions. Some signs appear slowly and softly, while others can demand attention. For the most part, early attention withtopical treatments是纯天然防御的第一线,尤其是对于20多岁和30多岁的人来说。但是,如果昂贵的面霜和chemical peels不再有效,那么本指南适合您。

大多数衰老受遗传学的影响, ethnicity , 日晒 , 和what you do (or don’t do) to care for your skin. According to Jeremy Brauer, MD, clinical assistant professor at New York University, the most noticeable changes are:

  • decreased skin elasticity
  • darker pigmentation
  • pore size
  • 明显的细线
  • overall thinning of the muscle and fat of the face


人们开始注意到30多岁和40多岁的衰老的出现。医学博士大卫·洛特彻(David Lortscher), board-certified dermatologist and founder of the teledermatology practiceCurology

他说:“皮肤的自然生命周期开始放慢速度,这意味着发生变色,皱纹,下垂和减少胶原蛋白生产的出现。”激素变化也可能触发成人痤疮,使您闪回teenage breakouts

If you’re not already using anti-aging skin care products in your 40s, now’s the time. For his clients’ custom prescription formulations, Lortscher uses vitamin C andretinoids。这两种局部成分得到了数十年的研究和临床试验的支持。

Retinoids like tretinoin come with a clinical trial pedigree 。They’re used to stimulate collagen, prevent and treat existing wrinkles, and even fight acne if your body has decided to make an attempt at “skin of a teenager” but bungled the details.

There’s a caveat with retinoids, though: They lead tophotosensitivity,如此专用的日常使用high-SPF, full-spectrum sunscreen(minimum SPF 50) is a must.

如果处方和光敏性的障碍正在削弱您对类维生素的兴趣,则 topical vitamin C 是一个很好的选择。Lortscher说,它还可以促进胶原蛋白的生长,打击皱纹,甚至清理紫外线的损坏。这个抗氧化的动力室也可以解决色素沉着, including acne scars and sunspots.

40s skin kit

  • retinoids
  • vitamin C
  • SPF 50防晒霜

As the same aging processes of our 40s continues in our 50s, Lortscher warns that绝经may amplify the signs for women. Changing estrogen levels may result in drier skin. The loss of collagen can lead to sagging skin along the jaw and around the eyes. Years of sun exposure will also re-emerge as rough skin texture and sunspots.

While upping your保湿剂游戏并且使用局部治疗(例如类视黄素或维生素C)将有助于软化干燥,粗糙的皮肤,您可能需要给予皮肤卷- 也称为微针 - 尝试。



He warns against scaling up the size of the needle for faster results. “Deeper penetrations result in pinpoint bleeding and can offer more improvement. However, more aggressive treatments should be performed in-office,” Lortscher says.

布劳尔建议弗拉塞尔, a laser treatment also used for acne scarring and pigmentation. “[It’s] a great treatment to help diminish fine lines and wrinkles and to renew the skin’s surface for a refreshed, youthful glow,” he says.

50s skin kit

  • 皮肤卷
  • 弗拉塞尔
  • SPF 50防晒霜


Lortscher advises plumping the tissue underneath loose skin with injections. “Volumizers such asSculptra或者Voluma,或填充剂,例如Radiesse,Restylane, 和Juvederm他说:“还原丢失的轮廓,通过支撑上覆的皮肤来提供一些“升降机”。”

布劳尔建议,如果您的皱眉线让您感觉自己看起来像是每周的星期一,XEOMIN或者Radiesse. Xeomin is better for treating frown lines while Radiesse is a filler that smooths moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, he says. Brauer also recommendsULTHERAPY。他解释说:“ [它]使用超声技术来恢复胶原蛋白的生产和抬起,并自然地和非外部收紧皮肤。”

60s skin kit

  • 卷积和体积等体积器
  • fillers, such as Radiesse, Restylane, and Juvederm
  • ULTHERAPY,超声治疗

New technology has brought a wealth of minimally invasive procedures to fight the signs of aging, as well as new, less irritating topical treatments. But what’s the most effective method to combat the signs of aging? Preventingsun damage

