What wouldn’t you do for clear skin? Americans spend每年在柜台过度痤疮治疗数十亿但是,如果它是呼叫镜头的内部,那么昂贵的磨砂膏,面具和乳霜不会修复任何突破。

Skin is how our bodies talk to us and if we don’t pay close attention to what we put into our bodies, any message we get will no doubt be in red.


研究表明 low-glycemic, high-protein foods 在改善痤疮方面发挥重要作用。所以,从干净,有益健康的基础开始,就像富有彩色水果和蔬菜的饮食!



抗氧化剂、维生素和矿物质在甘蓝work to reduce hyperpigmentation, which is the key to evening out your skin tone.Vitamin Calso promotes collagen formation, helping to repair acne scars faster by increasing cell turnover rate.

To try:Add a cup of kale to your morning smoothie或者将其作为午餐或晚餐的美味面料炒。

Retinol, a vitamin A derivative, is ideal for fighting acne and防止皱纹。There are hundreds of retinol creams and serums on the market that promise to make your acne disappear, but for those who are under age 30, this strong ingredient may be too harsh for the skin.


Beta-carotene, which gets converted进入维生素A., is one of the reasons sweet potatoes have their rich, beautiful orange color.

After eating sweet potatoes, your body will convert beta-carotene into vitamin A. This vitamin has properties that will act as a skin barrier against discoloration, inflammation, and clogged pores often brought on by free radicals.

To try:Sweet potato casserole is synonymous with holiday dinners, but serving them up as baked fries or a creamy bowl of soup is an easy way to get these benefits all year.


However, using it as a topical treatment isn’t recommended. Straight lemon juice is too acidic and can damage your skin’s barrier, causing it to lighten or darken too much after exposure to sunlight.

But when lemon’s properties are packaged in a serum, squeezed into your water, over a salad, or part of your diet, it could work a bit of skin magic — as long as you include the peel. A 2014 study confirmed the protective and anticarcinogenic effects of citrus peel flavonoids.

To try:Squeeze fresh lemon into a cup of warm water and drink it on an empty stomach every morning for radiant skin.

There may be a season for pumpkin-infused everything, but there’s a lot more to this gourd than pie and lattes.



To try:Whisk pumpkin puree into pancake batter for a fall-themed breakfast or simply roast the seeds, adding a little oil and a dash of salt. More ideas?Check out our favorite pumpkin recipes, including pumpkin risotto and a hearty chili.

Strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries — don’t let their size fool you! These babies are bursting with vitamin C and antioxidants, which can also be found in bell peppers, kiwi, and broccoli.

Having vitamin C circulating in your blood is a powerful weapon against blotchy skin, while the antioxidants from the berries act like a combo attack against those pesky dark spots, stopping them from ever forming in the first place.

To try:浆果独自是一种美味的小吃,他们为燕麦粥和酸奶的补充,但如果你有一个甜食,请继续沉迷于任何一个浆果甜点甜点with no added sugar! If you’re going for whole fruits, aim for about eight medium-sized strawberries per day or 21 cherries to hit the daily goal.

What do chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, and peanuts all have in common? These legumes are low-glycemic, so they’re associated with more consistent blood sugar levels and fewer acne flare-ups.

High glycemic foods, including chocolate, breakfast cereals, bagels, and white rice,可能导致血糖刺激。研究表明,这不仅会导致2型糖尿病,心脏病发作和中风,它也可能对你的皮肤造成伤害。

To try:Add them to soups and stews or sprinkle some on top of your salads for a nutrient-dense meal. Just when you thought beans were boring, here are13种方式to enjoy them, especially helpful for vegans and vegetarians.

Papayas contain a digestive enzyme calledpapain。在你的皮肤表面上,木瓜蛋白酶足够强大:

  • exfoliate dead skin cells
  • unclog pores
  • fade acne scars
  • hydrate skin
  • prevent any future breakouts

For the inside, this exotic fruit does wonders too. Its vitamins and minerals improve skin elasticity and can help banish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

To try:They’re fabulous in a tangy salsa, smoothie, sorbet, or curry. You can also try it topically as a rejuvenating mask for softer, brighter skin.

A cup of cookedquinoahas 17 to 27 grams of fiber, so you’ll experience less constipation. Pooping regularly eliminates toxins from your body, resulting in clearer skin and fewer dark spots.

To try:奎奴亚藜味于沙拉或作为配菜的美妙,但它也为饼干,松饼和其他烘焙食品中的小麦粉替代品。感到冒险吗?Try these quinoa black bean burgers.

Salmon with the skin is the best source for omega-3 fatty acids, but sardines, mackerel, and anchovies are also excellent choices.

Omega-3s protect your skin against sun damage, reducing your risk for developing skin cancer and brown spots brought on by prolonged periods of sun exposure.

To try:Bake it, steam it, or pan fry it. Make salmon the star of your next meal with these45个创意食谱

Vibrant fruits and vegetables are associated with greater health benefits, but don’t underestimate cauliflower.

This cruciferous veggie is packed with a powerful amino acid called histidine. Too much sunlight can make existing dark spots worse, but histidine prevents those harmful UV rays from wreaking havoc on your skin.

To try:You can dip cauliflower in hummus for a healthy midday snack, but try adding it to mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, or pizza crust for a healthy twist on some of your favorite comfort foods.


Here’s a reminder how food works: What you eat gets broken down and transported everywhere through your blood, so results aren’t going to happen overnight the way topical treatments might. Eating one meal of berries or salmon isn’t going to do the trick either.

Between your skin and you, it’s a relationship where food, products, and your mental health all work together. Food is just one point of the triangle to naturally fueling your skin with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients so it can be strong and healthy. Think of it like a foundation your body needs. There’s no stronger way to build that than from the inside out.

公主Gabbara.is a writer, editor, and storyteller who has penned stories for Billboard, Shondaland, Bitch Media, Vibe, Ebony, Jetmag.com, Essence, Bustle, Sesi, and Greatist to name a few. She was previously the things-to-do reporter for the Lansing State Journal, part of the USA Today Network. Follow her onTwitterInstagram并拜访她website