Understanding survival rates of stage 4 breast cancer

According to the 国家癌症研究所 ,估计在诊断出4阶段乳腺癌后,美国的27%的人患有至少5年。

Manyfactorscan affect your longevity and quality of life.不同的亚型of breast cancer behave differently. Some are more aggressive than others, and some have far fewer treatment options than others. For this reason, your subtype may affect your outlook.



Stage 4 breast cancer is also calledmetastatic breast canceroradvanced breast cancer。在这方面stage,在乳房中开发的癌症已经蔓延到身体的其他地区。

Cancer cells might have traveled through your lymphatic system to your lungs, bones, liver, brain, or other organs.

Stage 4 is the mostseriousand life threatening stage of breast cancer. Most often,stage 4 breast cancerdevelops long after a person has first been diagnosed with cancer. In rare cases, the cancer may have progressed to stage 4 at the time a person is first diagnosed.

Facing stage 4 breast cancer can be challenging. But following your doctor’s recommendedtreatment plan练习健康的生活方式习惯可以帮助改善你的结果。它可能会显着增加您的寿命,提高您的生活质量。

If you have stage 4 breast cancer, it’s important to work with anoncologistto develop your treatment plan. An oncologist is a doctor who specializes in treating cancer.


Since tumors have already spread to other areas of your body at this stage of the disease, your treatment will likely be a systemic treatment, meaning it can treat all of the areas involved.

Depending on your specific breast cancer characteristics and medical history, youroncologistmay recommend a variety of treatment options.

For example, they may encourage you to undergo:

  • 化疗,这是癌症的化学药物治疗方法
  • 激素治疗, which is used to treat hormone-sensitive cancers
  • radiation therapy, which is often used for brain and bone tumors
  • surgery, which is rarely used in stage 4 breast cancer

Your oncologist will take many factors into consideration before recommending a treatment plan. For example, your age and overall health can help them determine if therapies that have strong physical side effects, such as chemotherapy, are right for you.


Having stage 4 breast cancer may lead to periods of weight gain and weight loss. Making changes to your diet can help to offset this.

Women with breast cancer might gain weight for several reasons, which may include:

  • financial stress
  • fluid retention from chemotherapy
  • less energy for physical activity
  • strain from关系at home and work
  • taking steroids, which can cause also cause fluid retention

A2016 study在癌症流行病学中发表,生物标志物和预防得出结论,乳腺癌幸存者以比从未患上癌症的女性更快地增加重量。

该研究发现妇女有estrogen receptor-negative tumorswho were treated with chemotherapy and tookstatinsat the same time had significantly higher weight gain rates than women with breast cancer who didn’t take statins during treatment.

Some women may also find taking hormone therapies, liketamoxifen, can cause them to gain weight.

Not all women with stage 4 breast cancer experience weight gain. Some may experience significant weight loss due to lack of appetite.

Side effects来自癌症治疗和药物可包括:

  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • reduced appetite

Dietary changes




  • Eat several small meals throughout the day. This can reduce the effects of nausea and help you keep your energy up.
  • Incorporate lean protein sources. Protein is vital for tissue and cell repair. Examples of high-protein foods include chicken, eggs, low-fat dairy, nuts, beans, and soy foods.
  • 每天选择各种水果和蔬菜。吃五颜六色的水果和蔬菜的营养简介可以提供免疫促进抗氧化剂。
  • Stay hydrated by drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day. Drinking enough water can prevent dehydration.
  • 当你可能不喜欢吃饭时,在手头上留在手上留下高卡路里的食物。例子包括奶昔,准备补充饮料,冰沙,饼干和坚果黄油,以及小径混合。

Talk to your healthcare provider about creating a plan for your individual nutritional needs. They might recommend increasing certain foods or drinks, and limiting others.




  • Eating foods or drinking beverages that contain ginger, like ginger ale or ginger tea.
  • 吃饭的饭菜而不是煮熟。这些饭菜往往会产生更少的气味,可以引发恶心和食物避免。
  • Drinking lemonade or lemon water, which can help reduce nausea.
  • Choosing bland foods that are easy to digest, such as apples, toast, saltine crackers, broth, and bananas.
  • 避免吃东西的食物,产生极端的味道,如非常辛辣,甜味或油腻的饭菜。


Exerciseis important for your overall mental and physical health. Since fatigue is often a symptom associated with stage 4 breast cancer, it can help to plan your exercise during your most energetic time of day.

Consistency is key. It’s better to锻炼in small amounts every day than to follow an extreme pattern of occasional intense activity between long periods of inactivity.

虽然有潜在的好处就是锻炼n you have stage 4 cancer, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting an exercise program.

如果你的血数低或你的electrolyte水平(potassium,sodium等等)是imbalanced, most healthcare providers won’t recommend exercising because you could put yourself at risk for further harm.


Safety is always a concern when you have stage 4 breast cancer. Bleeding and risks of injury are important considerations.

Some women experience balance and foot numbness problems due to their treatments and fatigue. If this is the case, it’s best to do exercises that put you at less risk for falls. An example could be riding a stationary bicycle instead of running on a treadmill.

There might not be a direct link between exercise and stage 4 breast cancer survival rates, but you can reap other benefits from regular exercise.

For example, it may help you:

  • lose excess body fat
  • 增加你的体力
  • increase your energy
  • reduce your stress
  • improve your mood
  • 提高你的生活质量
  • 减少治疗的副作用

Your healthcare provider can help you develop an锻炼routine that fits your physical needs andabilities。最终,重要的是你倾听你的身体,不要让自己在你没有锻炼的日子里推动自己。

It’s critical to find a strong source of social support, whether it’s your friends and family, or a支援团队with other people with breast cancer. While the journey is challenging, you don’t have to navigate stage 4 breast cancer alone.

Ask your healthcare provider if there’s an in-person支援团队where you receive treatments. You can also findonline和社交媒体团体加入。

Your healthcare provider can also provide more information about the specifics of your cancer, treatment options, and support programs in your area. If you’re not sure where to look for an in-person group, a counselor or social worker can also help.

Researchers are continuing to examine differenttreatment optionsfor stage 4 breast cancer. You might consider participating inclinical trialsto help researchers to better understand breast cancer todevelop potential cures
