Basal cell nevus syndrome refers to a group of irregularities caused by a rare genetic condition. It affects the:

  • skin
  • 内分泌系统
  • nervous system
  • eyes
  • bones

Other names for basal cell nevus syndrome include:

  • Gorlin syndrome
  • Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
  • nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS)

The telltale sign of this disorder is the appearance ofbasal cell carcinoma (BCC)after you enter puberty. Basal cell carcinoma is themost commontype of skin cancer in the world.

Most often found in 45岁以上的人 啊,它通常ccurs as a result of prolonged exposure to sunlight. People with basal cell nevus syndrome have a high risk of developing basal cell carcinoma.

The most common symptom of basal cell nevus syndrome is the development of basal cell carcinoma in adolescence or young adulthood.

Basal cell nevus syndrome is also responsible for the development of other cancers early in a person’s life, including:

People who have basal cell nevus syndrome often have unique physical features as well. Examples include:

  • pitting in the palms of the hands or on the feet
  • large head size
  • cleft palate
  • eyes that are spaced far apart
  • protruding jaw
  • spinal problems, includingscoliosisorkyphosis(abnormal curvatures of the spine)

Some people with basal cell nevus syndrome will also developtumorsin their jaw.

These tumors are known as keratocystic odontogenic tumors and can cause the person’s face to swell. In some instances, the tumors will displace their teeth.

If the condition is severe, additional symptoms may result. For example, basal cell nevus syndrome can affect the nervous system. This can cause:

Basal cell nevus syndrome is passed down in families through anautosomaldominant pattern. This means that you only need to get the gene from one of your parents to develop the disorder.

If one parent has the gene, you have a 50 percent chance of inheriting it and developing the condition.

The specific gene involved in the development of basal cell nevus syndrome is the PTCH1, or patched, gene. This gene is responsible for making sure that normal cells in the body don’t multiply too rapidly.

When problems with this gene arise, the body isn’t able to stop cell division and growth. As a result, your body isn’t able to prevent the growth of certain types of cancer.

Your doctor can diagnose basal cell nevus syndrome. They’ll ask you about your health history, including if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, and if there’s a history of the disease in your family.

Your doctor will also perform a physical exam to see if you have any of the following:

  • keratocystic odontogenic tumors
  • hydrocephalus(fluid on the brain that leads to head swelling)
  • abnormalities in the ribs or spine

To confirm your diagnosis, your doctor may also order additional tests. These may include:

Treatment of basal cell nevus syndrome will depend on your symptoms. If you have cancer, your doctor may recommend that you see anoncologist(cancer specialist) for treatment.

If you have the condition but don’t develop cancer, your doctor may recommend that you see adermatologist(skin doctor) regularly.

The dermatologist will examine your skin to detect skin cancer before it reaches a life threatening stage.

People who develop tumors in their jaws will need to have surgery to remove them. Symptoms such as intellectual disability may be treated through services to improve the person’s capabilities and quality of life.

Services can include:

If you have basal cell nevus syndrome, your outlook will depend on the complications that result from your condition. Skin cancer, if caught early, can be effectively treated.

However, people with advanced stages of this cancer may not have a good outlook. Complications such as blindness or deafness can also affect your outlook.

If you’ve been diagnosed with basal cell nevus syndrome, it’s important to know that you’re not alone, and there are resources that can provide support.

Follow the links below to connect with local and online resources:

Basal cell nevus syndrome is a genetic condition that may not be possible to prevent. If you have this disorder or carry the gene for it, you may wish to seek genetic counseling if you’re planning to have children.

Your doctors will help provide you with the information you need to be able to make an informed decision.