
Balance problems may cause头晕让你觉得好像你在实际站立或坐着时旋转或移动。结果,你可能感觉不舒服。这可能会干扰你的日常生活。

It can also lead to falls, which can cause broken bones and other injuries.


Causes of balance problems include:

For example:

  • 眩晕当你移动头部时会导致头晕。当您看起来时,症状通常会发生或抬头伸展到头部上方的物品。
  • Inner ear infection or inflammation can make you feel dizzy and unsteady. The flu or an upper respiratory infection can cause this condition.
  • 梅尼埃病(又名内耳眩晕病)流体的体积变化量our ear, causing balance problems, hearing loss, and ringing in your ears. Its cause is unknown.
  • 头部损伤,剧烈的身体活动,耳感和大气压变化会导致内耳流体泄漏到中耳。这可能会导致平衡问题。
  • Sea travel can cause balance problems that may take hours, days, or months to clear up.
  • 一种, such as an acoustic neuroma, can also cause balance problems.

You may be at risk of balance problems if you’re on medication, have a viral infection, experiencing inner ear problems, or recovering from a head injury.

If you’re age 65 or older and havearthritis, or high or low blood pressure, your risk of balance problems is higher.


Balance problems are difficult to address because they may be caused by numerous factors. Your doctor may ask about your symptoms and review your medical history for related conditions and medications.


  • 血液测试
  • hearing exams
  • 眼睛运动试验
  • 你的大脑和头部的成像扫描,如一个MRI或CT扫描
  • 后术,这是对你姿势的研究


  • medication
  • 手术
  • 饮食变化
  • 物理疗法
  • exercises you can do at home


Your doctor will review your medications. They might replace them or adjust your dosage. If your condition is caused by a bacterial ear infection, your doctor might prescribe an antibiotic to cure it.



If you have梅尼埃病,您的医生可能会在您的前庭系统上推荐手术,这使您的内耳弥补并影响您的平衡。

Home care

To relieve vertigo, your doctor may prescribe activities that can be done at home or with the help of a rehabilitation therapist.

可以在家里进行的常用技术是epley soneuver



It’s generally best to avoid driving if your condition is severe.

Your doctor might also make recommendations to address your overall health. These might include:


If you have an ear infection or have just traveled on a boat, the condition generally clears up in time with treatment. However, if the cause is unknown or the issues are a result of chronic conditions or aging, the symptoms may continue indefinitely.


Most balance problems are difficult to prevent. However, you can address those that are associated with blood pressure issues.
