成人怀抱中的牙婴儿 在Pinterest上分享

您听说出牙阶段很糟糕,但是really? Like, can’t you just give a baby a牙齿or a cold washcloth and move on?

好吧 - 并非总是如此。有时牙齿疼痛足够糟糕的是保证药物救济 - 泰诺通常被认为是首选的选择,因为这通常对年轻婴儿安全。

But since出牙可以持续很长时间(read: months and months on end), you can’t keep your child on a 24/7 infusion of infant Tylenol. Here’s how to know when to give it to your baby, how to use it safely, and how it stacks up against other pain relief options.


To be clear, it might not cause “pain” in the traditional definition of the word. Some experts think teething causes a dull, achy sensation, or possibly even an itchy one — which is why babies turn to chomping and gnawing during the worst bouts of teething in an attempt to soothe their irritated gums.

Some babies are hardly bothered by teething, while others seem more acutely affected. Either way, it’s reasonable to assume your baby will notice某物going on in their mouth — and may not like the feeling.

Since babies can’t tell you how they’re feeling, it can be hard to know if or when they’re in pain. But some common symptoms that your baby isn’t feeling well include:

  • 不寻常的烦恼或易怒
  • 极端固定(即,不想被放下)
  • 难以在小睡或睡前睡觉
  • 拉开耳朵

Specific to teething woes, you might also notice an increase in the amount of drooling your baby is doing — hello, 10 bibs per day! — along with sore or swollen gums and a desire to chew on everything within reach.

Some parents think teething can cause fevers, but this isn’t quite true: Whileteething can increase your child’s body temperature a smidge,它不应引起真正的发烧,例如疾病可能发生的那种发烧。

Officially, the makers of Tylenol advise that parents talk with doctors about medicating kids under 2 years old. We concur — but according to the美国儿科学会(AAP), you can use your child’s weight to determine the correct dosage if they’re more than 3 months old.


You can — and should! — always talk with a doctor about the right dosage for your baby’s weight if they’re under 2 years old. These are the general recommendations about dosing based on weight, which may act as a starting point for the conversation with a doc.

  • Whether you buy an infant or children’s formula, liquid medication, or tablets, all pediatric Tylenol now contains the same strength of medication per dose: 160 milligrams. This standardization simplifies dosing. For liquid medication, which you’ll likely give your baby, this equals 5 milliliters (mL).
  • For infants between 6 and 11 pounds, the typical dosage is 1.25 mL according to theAAP。The dose increases by about 1.25 mL from there for every 5 pounds in weight.
  • 年龄较大的婴儿也许可以服用可咀嚼或溶解的平板电脑,但这是依赖儿童的。您可以在任何年龄的时候给孩子提供液体药物。
  • You can give your child a new dose every 4 to 6 hours as needed, but you shouldn’t give them more than 5 doses in a 24-hour period, per the AAP.
  • 最好在晚上或长时间小睡前使用泰诺来缓解磨牙distract your child from their discomfort。During the day, you can try to rely on teethers to distract them from the pain. Talk with your pediatrician about giving your child a dose 1 hour before going to sleep, so it’s working in the full effect by bedtime or naptime.
  • Remember to always use the measuring device that comes with your package of Tylenol. It’s guaranteed to give you an accurate amount of medication. Other devices may not be standardized to Tylenol’s measuring system.



想知道您可以做些什么,而不是或随身携带 - 给宝宝另一剂的泰诺来帮助他们感觉更好?有一些好at-home teething remedies, like:

  • 为他们提供出牙玩具
  • 让它们在冷毛巾或婴儿牙刷上咀嚼
  • giving them cool, soft foods to eat, like fruit puree in a mesh feeder (if they’re eating solids)


The good news is you can manage teething pain at home with a combination of natural remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) infant pain relievers after getting a doctor’s advice on dosing. Teething isn’t something that typically requires a pediatrician appointment.


  • 很难处理孩子的出牙
  • 感觉他们经常需要减轻泰诺的疼痛
  • 想知道您可以做什么帮助

