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Teethingis an inevitable part of your baby’s development — and it can be a nerve-wracking time for parents as their little ones struggle through cutting those first few teeth.

No matter the time of day, a fussy baby who’s teething can be hard to calm. But at least during the day, you expect to be awake. So, what can you do to soothe your little one and get them back to dreamland at night, so the both of you can enjoy some shut-eye? Here are some tips.

一般来说,大多数婴儿开始出牙somewhere between 4 and 7 months of age. But some children may begin teething earlier or later than this window.

通常,您会知道宝宝的夜间不安是否是由于出牙所致,因为他们会表现出其他常见的出牙症状。在睡觉的困难之外,这些症状usually include:

  • irritability/fussiness
  • excessive drooling
  • 咀嚼

But if your baby is experiencing a rash (other than adrool rash),发烧或腹泻,除出牙外,可能是他们不适的原因。在这种情况下,您应该与孩子的儿科医生交谈。


With teething toys, make sure that they’re solid plastic rather than gel-filled, and store them in your fridge or freezer. Inspect the teething ring after every use to ensure that there aren’t any broken pieces that could pose a choking hazard.

Also, avoid teething jewelry such asnecklaces and bracelets made from amber, marble, silicone, or even wood. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns against them because they pose a choking risk.

Sore gums can really benefit from a cooling sensation. This trick is easy to use and doesn’t require any special equipment — just the foresight to keep a few washcloths prepped in the freezer so you’re not scrambling at 2 a.m.


Depending on whether this is their first tooth or not, you might let your baby gum at your fingers. Just make sure that your fingers are clean before you let them have fun. For added comfort, dip your fingers in cool water to help calm their gums.

This is similar but involves a little more effort — and therefore, wakefulness — on your part.


While most people don’t associate drool with being uncomfortable, letting your baby sit around with a wet face all day can contribute to rashes, which adds to the discomfort at night.


一些times all you need is a bit of distraction to help redirect your baby’s attention elsewhere. While this might not work for every baby, adding a白噪声机to your baby’s nursery can help them drift off to la-la land despite discomfort.

一些白噪声机also serve as night-lights or can be controlled remotely.




通常,麻木的凝胶不能提供持续的缓解,因为您的婴儿流口水,以至于药物被洗掉了。磨牙平板电脑包含 贝拉多纳 and numbing gels contain 苯佐卡因 , both of which have been linked with dangerous side effects in babies, says the FDA.

This might sound like a tall order, but teething — much like many other periods in your baby’s life — is a temporary situation. No matter how tempting it might be to let teething disrupt your baby’s regular bedtime routine, don’t do it.

As much as possible, stick to the routine you’ve already established and try to keep your little one as comfortable as possible so that they can fall asleep.

Rest assured, you’re not the first parent to deal with this. And no matter how stressful it might seem, you’ll get through it! Try to maintain perspective, keep your little one comfortable, and give them extra cuddles.


幸运的是,有些事情你可以做来缓解the discomfort and make sleep possible for both you and baby. And if you notice a fever or rash, call your pediatrician — there may be something else going on.