当你如此疲惫时,所有新的父母的生活都有一段时间,即你在自动操作。你喂了新生儿一瓶,他们在床边的Bassinet中餐中睡着了。你挣扎着把瓶子放下并睡着了 - 对于5分钟的感觉。

现在宝贝woken up hungry再次,你想知道你是否可以拿起你离开的地方。但是你看看时钟 - 而不是5分钟,已经65岁了。是半吃一瓶配方一英尺的脚还是好吗?

This is just one scenario where a formula question might come to mind, but there are lots of others — so if formula rules have you scratching your head, you’re not alone. Let’s get you some answers, STAT.


But check the label instructions — for some brands, manufacturer instructions say a bottle is only considered safe for 1 hour at room temperature once mixed. It may depend on whether the brand is following美国儿科学院or 疾病预防与控制中心 guidelines.


Yes, as long as your baby doesn’t drink from the bottle.

从粉末混入的未使用的配方瓶可以在冰箱中持续24小时。这就是为什么许多父母选择在早上制作更大的配方,并将瓶子分成瓶子 - 或根据需要倒入瓶子 - 全天使用。

这些父母知道一个crying宝贝往往是一个饿了 - 现在baby who doesn’t want to wait for you to mix a bottle.


As an aside, it’s not recommended that you freeze formula. It can change the texture and doesn’t extend the period of time during which the formula is still good. If you’re new to formula after哺乳, it’s important to know the guidelines are different in this and other regards.




没有。同样,细菌是这里的问题 - 细菌甚至更加兴奋地茁壮成长,曾经有过良好的温暖环境。

Something else to know: If you’ve warmed up a bottle, our previous 2-hour guideline for untouched formula doesn’t apply. A heated bottle should be used within 1 hour, and any remaining should be poured down the sink after that time. This applies to formulas prepared from powder as well as concentrates and ready-to-drink options.

Generally, you should use up powdered formula within a month of opening the container. We found this to be the guideline on labels for popular brands like Similac and Enfamil as well as organic alternatives from Happy Baby Organics and Earth’s Best. This shouldn’t be a problem, given your little one’s voracious appetite!



The powdered formulas we looked at in our local store had dates more than a year away. So if you find yourself with unopened containers after your baby transitions off formula, at least you’ll be prepared for any upcoming zombie apocalypse.

Store sealed containers in a cool, dry place and avoid exposure to extreme temperatures.

All the rules surrounding formula can seem a little nitpicky, but remember it’s your baby’s delicate tummy you’re dealing with and the guidelines suddenly become incredibly doable. And you’ll get the hang of how much your baby eats pretty quickly, decreasing or even eliminating the amount of formula that ends up down the drain.

“在疑问时,将其倾倒出来”在这里是一个很好的拇指规则。但像所有的东西一样,你有这个,很快就会自动运行 - 尽管我们不能保证你在准备一瓶后永远不会打瞌睡!