自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)is actually a group of neurodevelopmental conditions. It affects the way a person perceives and interacts with both other people and their surroundings.

Signs and symptoms of ASD often present during the first few years of life. They can include things like problems interacting or communicating with others as well as repetitive behaviors or routines.


Early identification and diagnosisASD非常重要。当支持策略早期开始时,它可以对孩子的生活质量和功能的能力产生很大差异。

Children often show early signs of ASD between the ages of 12 and 18 months 甚至更早。然而,许多孩子直到诊断 3岁后 . This is because sometimes the early signs of ASD can be difficult to spot.

So, what signs can you look for?


Some of theearly signs在孩子们的亚文包括:

  • problems making or maintaining eye contact
  • not responding when their name is called
  • 利用非语言形式的通信的麻烦,例如指向或挥动
  • 口头沟通的困难,例如在非常幼儿中哄骗或唠叨,以及在老年孩子中使用单词或双语短语
  • 玩耍的麻烦,包括在其他孩子或模仿另一个人的困难中的不感兴趣

If you notice any of these behaviors, consult with your child’s doctor as soon as possible. Early intervention and support for children with autism is very important. It can enhance a child’s development and may significantly improve social skills.

由美国精神病协会发表的精神障碍(DSM-5)的新版诊断和统计手册将症状分成 两类 :

  1. problems with social interactions and communication
  2. behaviors that are repetitive or restricted

我们将在下面更详细地探索这些类别。让我们从社会互动和沟通开始。由于这些是两个相当广泛的主题,因此它们可能分开 subcategories .


  • avoiding or having difficulty maintaining eye contact
  • not responding when their name is called
  • appearing to not hear you when you talk to them
  • 宁愿独自玩耍而不是与他人一起玩
  • 出现不与他人分享兴趣
  • 避免身体接触,例如被扣留或拥抱
  • 有一个平坦的表情
  • having difficulty expressing their own feelings or understanding the feelings of others

Some examples of trouble with communication include:

  • 延误或者在言语和语言开发中回归
  • reversing pronouns, such as saying “you” when they mean “I”
  • 不使用像指向或挥手这样的手势
  • difficulty understanding nonverbal cues, like gestures or facial expressions
  • 在平坦或唱歌的声音中说话
  • experiencing trouble starting or maintaining a conversation
  • not following directions
  • repeating certain words or phrases over and over again (echolalia)
  • 遇到麻烦玩假装
  • not understanding things like jokes, sarcasm, or figures of speech

Some behaviors to look for include things like:

  • repetitive movements, such as rocking back and forth and hand flapping
  • developing routines or rituals and becoming agitated if they’re disrupted
  • 与观看吊扇旋转一样,与物体或活动相比密切地固定
  • having very specific or obsessive interests
  • being extremely organized, such as lining up toys in a specific order
  • having intense interest in the details of a thing, such as the wheels on a toy car, rather than the whole object
  • 奇怪的运动模式,就像走在脚趾上或夸张的肢体语言
  • 敏感sensory stimulation,例如灯,声音或感觉
  • having very specific aversions or preferences for foods, which can include specific food types, textures, or temperature

There are also some additional signs and symptoms children with ASD may exhibit along with the above lists. These can include:

  • intensetemper tantrums
  • large amounts of energy orbeing very active
  • acting impulsively
  • 烦躁或侵略
  • engaging in behaviors that can cause self-harm, such as head-banging
  • 睡眠问题
  • being more fearful or less fearful than would be expected

Now that we’ve discussed the signs and symptoms of ASD in more detail, what are some indications that you should make an appointment with your child’s pediatrician?

see your doctor


  • rarely or never making eye contact with you
  • not responding when you engage with them
  • 没有模仿你的声音或面部表情
  • not using gestures such as pointing and waving
  • 没有开发,或丢失,他们的语言或沟通里程碑(可能会在早衰的发展之类的时候包括讲述单词或短语)
  • 不参与虚构的戏剧或假装游戏

While every child develops differently, some signs of ASD can appear early. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s development, speak with your child’s pediatrician as soon as possible.

在我们总结之前diagnostic processfor ASD, let’s first go over the diagnostic criteria. The DSM-5 defines two categories of symptoms:

  1. deficits in social interaction and communication
  2. 限制或重复行为模式

Symptoms are further broken intosubcategories:三个社会互动和沟通和四个行为模式。

A child must meet symptoms in all three social and communication subcategories and also in two of the four behavioral pattern subcategories to receive an ASD diagnosis.

When symptoms are recorded, their severity must also be determined. This is done on arating of 1 to 3, with 1 being the least severe and 3 being the most severe.

Other criteria for symptoms include the following:

  • Symptoms must be present from an early period of development.
  • 症状必须导致个人的运作能力的显着中断,例如在社会或工作中。
  • Symptoms can’t be explained by another developmental or intellectual condition.

Autism screening

Developmental screenings can help identify ASD early. During a developmental screening, your child’s doctor will evaluate things like your child’s behavior, movements, and speech to see if they meet typical milestones.

While pediatricians check your child’s development at every well-child visit, it’s recommended that more focused screening for any developmental conditions be done during the following well-child visits:

  • 9 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 or 30 months

ASD的特定筛选是 recommended at well-child visits at 18 and 24 months. If screenings indicate that your child may have ASD, you’ll likely be referred to a specialist who works with children with ASD for further evaluation.



Some screening tools that are specific for ASD are:

  • 在幼儿(MChat)中的自闭症修改清单。This is a parent-completed questionnaire that’s used for identifying children at risk for ASD.
  • 幼儿和幼儿自闭症的筛选工具(统计数据)。该工具包括12项,可以评估沟通和播放等信息。

In addition to the diagnostic criteria provided in the DSM-5, other diagnostic tools practitioners may use to help diagnose ASD are:

  • 自闭症诊断访谈 - 修订(ADI-R)。ADI-R can be used for individuals 18 months and older. It assesses communication, social skills, and repetitive behavior.
  • 自闭症诊断观察时间表 - 通用(ADOS-G)。ADOS-G uses 30-minute modules to assess things like communication, social skills, and play.
  • Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS).汽车可以用于儿童关爱r 2 years old. The scale draws on five different systems for diagnosing ASD.
  • Gilliam自闭症评级规模(GARS-2)。GARS-2 is a tool that helps parents, doctors, and teachers identify ASD in people between the ages of 3 and 22 years old.

Although there’s currently no治愈对于ASD,有各种各样的选项. The overall goal of support stratefies is to decrease ASD symptoms while increasing your child’s quality of life and ability to function.

Several differenttypes of professionalsmay be involved in support options, including doctors, psychiatrists, and speech-language pathologists. A support strategy will focus on addressing your child’s specific needs.

support strategies for autism

Possible options include:

  • 心理治疗。This can include a myriad of different therapy types, including things like various types ofbehavioral therapy, educational therapy, and social skills training.
  • Medications.一些药物可以帮助解决ASD症状,例如侵略或多动症。
  • 演讲and language therapy.这种疗法可以帮助孩子提高他们的言语和口头沟通技巧。
  • 职业治疗。A therapist will help your child gain everyday living skills.
  • Treating other health conditions.有亚型亚丁的儿童也可能还有其他健康状况,例如epilepsy. Your doctor will work to manage these conditions as well.
  • Alternative therapy.许多家长认为另类疗法惠ement other support options. In some cases, risks may outweigh the benefits. Discuss alternative therapies with your child’s pediatrician.

The outlook for children with ASD can vary greatly by individual. Some children may go on to live relatively independent lives. Others may require continued assistance throughout their lives.


If your child has symptoms of ASD, make an appointment with their pediatrician. They’ll help combine your experiences, their observations, and available screening tools to determine if your child needs additional evaluation by a specialist.