
Autism spectrum disorders, or autism, are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders. Autism can affect a person’s social behavior, speech, cognition, and attention.




An autistic person can also have epilepsy. In fact, they’re such a common co-occurrence, doctors consider them comorbidities, or chronic conditions present at the same time.

根据疾病控制和预防的中心(CDC), 1在44 U.S. children has anautism spectrum disorder (ASD). That’s just over 2 percent of all children. By adulthood, 2.21 percent 美国人民将有自闭症诊断。

癫痫is less common. The CDC says that 1.2 percent 美国成年人和儿童具有这种癫痫发作障碍。

However, rates of the two disorders in people with one or the other are many times higher. About 20%到30% 据国家神经障碍研究所和中风研究所称,自闭症儿童将通过成年发展癫痫。更重要的是,没有癫痫的自闭症仍可能在大脑中具有异常的电气放电。

In a 2018 review , researchers found that about 20 percent of people with epilepsy are on the autism spectrum, and about 20 percent of autistic people have epilepsy. Of 6,000 autistic children in a 2013 study ,12.5%的癫痫诊断。但在13岁以上的儿童中,这个数字增加到26%。

Researchers understand that autistic people frequently have seizures. However, the exact reasons why are not clear. It’s also unclear why some autistic people will develop epilepsy and others won’t.



Seizures in autistic people may be:

  • Partial or focal seizures.Focal onset or partial seizuresstart in one area of the brain. They may cause loss of awareness, but not always. If you do have loss of awareness, you won’t remember what happened during the seizure. Symptoms include muscle contractions, repetitive behaviors like blinking or lip smacking, and unusual head or eye movements.
  • Tonic seizures.During this type of seizure, muscles stiffen and grow rigid. This commonly occurs in the back, arms, and legs.
  • 克隆癫痫发作。This type of seizure causes repeated jerking motions. It often affects both sides of the body.
  • Generalized tonic-clonic seizures.Often affecting both sides of the body,generalized tonic-clonic seizuresmay cause a combination of symptoms.
  • Atonic seizures.与滋补癫痫发作相反,atonic seizurescause loss of muscle tone. A person may fall or drop their head because their muscles can’t sustain them.
  • Absence seizures.During缺席癫痫发作, a person may stare off without focusing. They may also have slight muscle twitches.
  • 发热癫痫发作。Febrile seizuresoccur most often in children from 3 months to 6 years old. They’re most commonly a result of high fever. But some children who are later diagnosed with ASD have a history of febrile seizures.

Some symptoms of autism can appear like symptoms of epilepsy. For example, both ASD and epilepsy affect language, communication, and even coordination.

更重要的是,2015 research建议人们long-term epilepsymay show behaviors similar to those seen in autistic people. These include difficulty with social interactions and lack of attention.

For that reason, it may be difficult to recognize seizure activity in an autistic child. Children on the autism spectrum may also have difficulties explaining their seizure activity or symptoms because of language barriers. That means parents and caregivers should be aware of potential signs of epilepsy in children with ASD.

These signs can include:

Having epilepsy may mean that an autistic person needs more support. In fact, a2013 studyfound that autistic children with epilepsy tend to have more severe symptoms of ASD and are more hyperactive. Autistic adults with epilepsy also have higher support needs.

Researchers do not believe epilepsy leads to or causes autism. They do not think autism causes epilepsy, either. However, others factors may make one of the conditions more likely.

例如,如果孩子有智力残疾,他们更有可能发展癫痫。 One 2015 review reports that 8 percent of children on the spectrum develop epilepsy if there is no intellectual disability present. But 20 percent of autistic children with an intellectual disability will develop epilepsy.

癫痫的自闭症患者也往往更老了 - 即癫痫,在自闭症谱上的老年人和成年人中更常见。据A. 2013 study ,他们也通常降低了认知bility, less language functioning or communication skills, and a history of developmental skill regression.

It’s unclear how epilepsy affects the symptoms of autism. But some recent studies are shedding light. A2020 studyfound that autistic individuals who later began to have seizures had lower adaptive functioning. Adaptive functioning is the term used to describe activities of daily life, like grooming, getting dressed, avoiding danger, cooking, making friends, working, and other things people do most days.

Further research is needed to see how adaptive functioning in people on the spectrum might be related to the risk of developing a seizure disorder.

没有一次测试diagnose autism.


Because autism is considered a spectrum, no two people are likely to have the same symptoms. The impact of ASD on behaviors and abilities will vary from one person to the next.

Doctors and pediatricians typically screen for symptoms of autism during annual well-child visits. If your child has a history of seizures or an epilepsy diagnosis, screening for ASD may happen more often.

癫痫is typically diagnosed after a person has two or more unprovoked seizures. Unprovoked means the seizures were not the result of an obvious issue, such as a high fever or head injury.

Doctors may also use an脑电图to see electrical activity in the brain. They can look for evidence of epileptic brain activity. This device can record what happens in the brain during a seizure, too.

A doctor may also order血汗工作某些大脑扫描才能帮助制作一个诊断.

There is no special diagnosis for epilepsy if you are on the autism spectrum. It will be diagnosed the same way it would be in a person who is not on the spectrum.

The treatment for epilepsy in autistic people is no different from treatment in people who are not on the spectrum.

Antiepileptic drugs被癫痫患者屈服。这些药物致力于减少癫痫发作的严重程度。它们也可能降低频率。

Common epilepsy medications include:

然而,抗癫痫药物具有显着的副作用,因此您的医生可能会密切关注问题的迹象。Changing epilepsy medicationsmay be necessary.

孤独症儿童的早期干预是非常重要的ren with epilepsy. When started early, interventions can help enhance and grow a child’s long-term functioning, including language skills, social skills, and behavior.

Not all autistic people will develop seizures or epilepsy. Likewise, not all people with epilepsy will have an autism spectrum disorder. But research is clear: Epilepsy and autism frequently occur together. However, the reason is unclear.

If you suspect you have had a seizure, it’s important to seek out medical attention or see a neurologist.
