愿望means inhaling some kind of foreign object or substance into your airway. Usually, it’s food, saliva, or stomach contents that make their way into your lungs when you swallow, vomit, or experience heartburn.

愿望 is more common 在older adults, infants, people who have trouble swallowing or controlling their tongues, and people who are intubated.

Sometimes aspiration won’t cause symptoms. This is called “silent aspiration.” You may experience a sudden cough as your lungs try to clear out the substance. Some people may wheeze, have trouble breathing, or have a hoarse voice after they eat, drink, vomit, or experience heartburn. You may have chronic aspiration if this occurs frequently.



Some people refer to a case of aspiration as food “going down the wrong way.” This can happen due to reduced tongue control, poor swallowing reflexes, or medical devices that assist with breathing.


Most often, aspiration is due to one of the 下列的 原因:

Cause Result
Neuromuscular causes Some neurological conditions, such as帕金森病or advanced dementia, can cause reduced tongue control and abnormal swallow reflexes. Neurological disorders like stroke, brain injury, and intracranial tumors can also cause reduced tongue control and swallowing issues.
Esophageal disorders These conditions affect the throat and swallowing abilities. They include胃食管反流疾病(GERD),吞咽困难, andthroat cancer.
喉咙外科 People who’ve had surgery or a condition that affects their larynx may have trouble swallowing. If the larynx doesn’t close tightly, food or liquids can enter the windpipe.
Dental problems 这可能会干扰咀嚼或吞咽反射
气道的医疗器械 People with a nasogastric tube, surgical opening in the windpipe (气管造口术),喂料管, or who’ve had procedures to examine the digestive tract, are also at high risk for aspiration.


While you’re undergeneral anesthesiaor sedation, contents from your stomach may move up to your mouth and enter your trachea and lungs.

Surgical teams are prepared for these moments, but this is why it’s important to fast before surgery. Drooling after surgery might be a sign of aspiration.

A2019 study出于澳大利亚和新西兰发现,在手术期间,应急程序和80岁以上的患者是愿望的最大危险因素。

People with health problems that affect swallowing are at a higher risk of aspirating. These health conditions 包括 :

  • impaired consciousness
  • lung disease
  • seizure
  • 中风
  • dental problems
  • dementia
  • swallowing dysfunction
  • impaired mental status
  • certain neurologic diseases
  • 放射疗法到头部和颈部
  • 胃灼热
  • GERD

愿望在older adults

老年人也更可能have a condition known as吞咽困难,吞咽困难。它是患有痴呆,帕金森病,GERD,多发性硬化和其他神经肌肉病变的卒中患者和成人中的常见。愿望是一体的symptomof dysphagia.



Silent aspiration usually has no symptoms, and people aren’t always aware that fluids or stomach contents have entered their lungs. Overt aspiration will usually cause sudden, noticeable symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, or a hoarse voice.

Silent aspiration canoccur在具有感官差异或受制于制度护理的人中。在这些情况下,流口腔或呼吸声和谈话的变化可能是吞咽困难的线索。

Make an appointment with the doctor if you or someone you know experiences these symptoms after eating, drinking, vomiting, or an episode of heartburn, especially if they:

  • have a neurological condition
  • recently had throat surgery
  • 有喉癌
  • have problems with chewing or swallowing
  • have a fever
  • 呼吸困难



  • 吞咽时疼痛
  • choking
  • coughing up food
  • 嘶哑
  • feeling like something is stuck in your throat
  • 发烧高于100.4°F(38°C)度

You should also call your doctor if you frequently aspirate or regularlyexperienceany of the following:

  • chronic chest congestion
  • wet cough
  • wheezing
  • shortness of breath
  • tiredness while eating
  • 采取额外的步骤清除你的喉咙
  • coughing, choking, or gasping for air upon waking up

Symptoms don’t always occur right away. They may develop after periods of aspiration and may turn into serious complications such as lung scarring or aspiration pneumonia.

Your doctor will ask if you’ve experienced any symptoms of aspiration, including after eating. If there are no symptoms, they may do a modified钡燕子测试,看着你的食道。

During a barium swallow test, your doctor will ask you to swallow a liquid that shows up on the X-ray to help them determine whether you have any underlying swallowing disorders.

Other tests

你的医生也会询问其他潜在的符号ptoms such as fever or chest pain to look for signs of pneumonia or pulmonary edema. They’ll also check for any problems with swallowing or underlying conditions such as GERD.

If they suspect aspiration has developed into another complication, they’ll order tests to see if there’s food or fluid in the lungs. These may包括:


For less severe cases, treatment may involve taking steps to stop aspiration from happening again. For some people, this may包括:

  • using straws
  • eating small bites
  • keeping proper posture while eating
  • 慢慢吃

Some people may also benefit from dysphagia therapy, which焦点on techniques to swallow safely and efficiently.

If someone has aspiration pneumonia, they may require hospitalization. Doctors may administer antibiotics or use a ventilator to help the person breathe.

Severe cases may require surgery.

愿望增加了你的风险 aspiration pneumonia . This is a condition where pneumonia develops after inhaling non-air substances; such as food, liquid, saliva, or even foreign objects.

A similar process can occur with aspiration pneumonitis (which is the inhalation of sterile gastric contents). These two conditionscan be difficult to differentiate.

Pneumonia can cause an influx of liquid in your lungs. This and injury from inhalation can result pulmonary edema, which puts a strain on your lungs.



Symptoms of aspiration may appear differently in children or infants. They mayappearas:

  • 喂食问题
  • 喝酒时咳嗽
  • arched back while feeding
  • redness around the eyes during feeding or after
  • frequent breathing issues
  • slowed growth

Risk factors

Conditions that increase the risk of aspiration in children and infants are also those that contribute to swallowing disorders. They包括:

Treatment and outlook


  • 确保它们在喂食时间内具有正确的姿势
  • thickening liquids as recommended by your speech therapist or physician
  • 与他们练习吞咽练习
  • changing the type of food so it’s easier to swallow
  • 避免给一个躺着的婴儿给一个瓶子

In severe and high risk cases, your child may need a feeding tube to ensure they get enough nutrition until their condition improves.



The outlook for aspiration depends on the cause. For many people,swallowing therapy and eating techniques- 如软化,切碎或纯化固体食品 - 可以帮助预防吸气。