勃起功能障碍(ED)是一个常见的条件。国家糖尿病和消化和肾病研究所估计ed影响 30 million men in the United States

While there aremedicationsapproved for ED, many people may choose to usenatural methodsand herbal supplements. One such supplement that you may have heard of is ashwagandha, an herb that’s used in Ayurvedic medicine.

一种lthough ashwagandha may have several potential health benefits, including for male sexual health, the current scientific evidence doesn’t support its use for ED.

Keep reading to learn more about ashwagandha and ED, as well as the herb’s potential benefits and side effects.

一种shwagandha is used in阿育吠陀医学作为Rasayana,或一种用于促进一般健康,增加能量水平的治疗准备,促进寿命。

ashwagandha被认为是一个aphrodisiac, or herb used to improve sexual desire, pleasure, or performance. While scientific research doesn’t support the herb’s use for ED, it may be effective for low libido.

一种shwagandha has also been used in traditional medicine for:

对科学研究已经对潜在的健康福利of ashwagandha. But a lot of this research has been done in a test tube (体外)或动物。


Overall, a very limited amount of research has been carried out on the efficacy of using ashwagandha for ED. Let’s examine what it says so far.

一种 study from 2002 看着Ashwagandha提取物在一周内对雄性大鼠的影响。研究人员发现,大鼠实际上经历了增加的ed以及降低性欲和性能。

一种 study from 2011 investigated the use of ashwagandha for a specific type of ED called心理ed., which is primarily associated with sexual anxiety and worries about sexual performance.




一种yurvedais an ancient Indian medical practice that combines饮食and lifestyle practices with natural therapies. It aims to promote health and longevity by achieving balance in the environment and the mind, body, and spirit.

Vajikarana and ED

There are eight different domains in Ayurveda. Each domain focuses on a different area of health. Conditions like ED are addressed under thedomain of Vajikarana,哪些中心性健康和繁殖。

Vajikarana uses a variety of formulations that aim to enhance sexual function. These formulations can have a variety of different natural ingredients and are believed to work by acting on the brain’shypothalamusand边缘系统

Some Vajikarana formulations can include ashwagandha. Additional examples of plants that may be used in Vajikarana are:

  • Saccharum OfficinArum., a kind of sugarcane
  • 吹笛者浪漫, a variety of pepper
  • Mucuna pruriens, a tropical bean
  • 一种sparagus racemosus, a variety of asparagus
  • Pueraria Tuberosa., a type of kudzu

Other supplements for ED

There are other herbal supplements that may be beneficial for ED. These includePanax Ginseng.andPausinystalia yohimbe。More research is needed to show evidence of their effectiveness, side effects, and safety.

一种shwagandha is a type of herb that grows naturally in India and Southeast Asia. It’s often used in Ayurvedic medicine.

You may also see ashwagandha called Indian ginseng or winter cherry. Its scientific name is汉语Somnifera.


Extracts of ashwagandha can have as many as 35 different chemical components 。到目前为止,尚未确定特定的活性成分。

Overall, ashwagandha 被认为 是安全的。Ashwagandha的一些常见副作用包括:


Talk to your doctor before using ashwagandha if you have:

  • Diabetes.一种shwagandha can lower blood sugar levels.
  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).一种shwagandha can raise levels ofthyroid hormone

一种void taking ashwagandha if you:

  • 一种re pregnant or breastfeeding.高剂量的Ashwagandha可能对开发的胎儿有害。母乳喂养时,目前没有关于Ashwagandha的安全性的研究。
  • 正在服用镇静剂。由于Ashwagandha本身有时被用作镇静剂,因此如果您服用类似的药物,避免使用它benzodiazepines,barbiturates, oranticonvulsants
  • Have hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.一种shwagandhamay increaselevels of the hormonetestosteronein the body.

Traditionally, ashwagandha is prepared as a powder. You’d then use this powder to make a tonic that you’d drink.

Today, you’re also likely to see ashwagandha sold as a pill or tablet that you take orally. Some may choose to take ashwagandha one to three times per day ,但具体dosing instructionswill vary depending on the product.

You can find ashwagandha online or by visiting a store that specializes in health foods or vitamins.


Follow the tips below while shopping for ashwagandha or any other dietary supplement:

  • Verify the name.Make sure the name on theproduct label匹配您要找的东西。除了ashwagandha,标签可以说汉语Somnifera.或印度人参。
  • 检查成分。这个标签应该列表中的所有成分supplement. If you’re unsure about what an ingredient is, ask a doctor or pharmacist. You can also look up ingredients using the膳食补充标签数据库由国家卫生研究院维护。
  • Beware of claims.提防任何产品声称看起来太好了to be true or say they can treat a specific medical condition.
  • Do your own research.使用信誉良好的来源获取您自己的信息。一个开始的地方是 PubMed , a great resource for scientific studies. You may also find the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health to be a helpful source of information.
  • Look for seals and certificates.While supplements aren’t regulated for standards by an independent body, some companies can verify their products’ content by having them tested in an independent lab. Look for a seal from a third-party organization likeNSF InternationalandUSP


While ashwagandha is considered an aphrodisiac, scientific research doesn’t currently support its use for ED.
