Arthritis in your hands

您的关节fingersmay be the most delicate in the body. At their best, they work together like a well-oiled machine and help you do your daily activities with ease.

There areover 100 different types关节炎。这三种主要类型是骨关节炎(OA),类风湿关节炎(RA), 和psoriatic arthritis (PsA)。Each type develops differently, but all can be painful and lead to loss of function and deformity.

在最早的阶段,关节炎原因adull, burning sensationin your fingers. You might experience this pain after an active day when you’ve used your hands more than usual. Pain in the early stages of arthritis may come and go.

随着关节炎的恶化,更多cartilagewears away. Without the protective barrier to cushion your delicate joints, you may have pain even when you don’t use your hands, or when you use them very little. Pain might become so severe that it wakes you up from your sleep.

The tissue and cartilage in your hands and fingers is designed to protect your delicate joints. If a joint is under excessive stress or is damaged, the tissues that line the joint may

这种肿胀可能会使您的手指和手puffierthan usual.

关节原因joint stiffness。当组织和软骨肿胀时,关节不能自由移动。

Joint stiffness is especially common早晨when you haven’t used the joint in several hours. It also occurs after a long day of movement or work when the joints have been under more stress than usual.

The cartilage in your joints can wear away unevenly. Additionally, the tissues andligamentsdesigned to hold the joints in place grow weaker as arthritis progresses. These two developments can cause deformities in your fingers and hands.

As the condition worsens, the deformity will be more obvious.

A layer of cartilage covers and cushions the bones in a healthy joint. In an arthritic joint, the cartilage is worn away and disappears altogether.

As this happens, you may experience a grinding or grating sensation in your joints. This is caused by bone-on-bone contact in your joint.

This will be painful, and the loss of cartilage will appear inX-rays作为一个loss of joint space

When a joint is damaged, ligaments and tissues around the joint can become inflamed. This inflammation will cause the joint to feelwarm

It may also cause redness around the joint.

小囊的小囊称为mucous cystsmay develop in arthritic hands. These cysts may appear like small dents or ridges on your fingers.


It may appear as a round “pearl” on top of the hand near the nail, at the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP).

Bone spurs也可能在关节炎关节中发展。随着关节的损害恶化,人体的反应可能是产生额外的骨头。这些旋钮的生长可以使您的手和手指的外观粗糙。

Bone spurs may eventually prevent a joint from functioning properly.

More than 1 in 4 American adults 与可见的或看不见的生活在一起symptomsof arthritis each day.

如果您识别手和手指的关节炎症状,请与您的医生。他们可以教你联合练习和help you findtreatments这将减轻您的痛苦和不适。

If you don’t already have a rheumatologist, theHealthline FindCare tool可以帮助您在您所在地区找到医生。
