Yourcirculatory systemcontains a vast network of blood vessels, which includes arteries,veins和毛细血管。

根据克利夫兰诊所的说法,如果你铺设了他们的身体的所有血管60,000 miles long!

动脉are a type of blood vessel. They work to carry blood away from theheart。In contrast, veins carry blood back to the heart.



动脉carry blood away from the heart in two distinct pathways:

  • The systemic circuit.在该途径中,富含氧气的血液从心脏和体内的组织中携带。
  • The pulmonary circuit.In the pulmonary circuit, oxygen-depleted blood is carried away from the heart and into thelungswhere it can acquire fresh oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide.



  • are closer to the heart where blood pressure is highest
  • 含有更多的弹性纤维,这使得它们展开并与心跳时发生的血液的血液膨胀和合同

Muscular arteries

  • 进一步来自血压较低的心脏
  • 含有更平滑的肌肉组织和较少的弹性纤维


The walls of arteries are three distinct layers:

  • Tunica intima.The innermost layer that’s made up of cells called endothelial cells as well as elastic fibers.
  • Tunica Media。中间,通常是最厚的层,这是由平滑肌细胞和弹性纤维组成,可帮助控制血管的直径。
  • Tunica externa.The outermost layer that’s made up of elastic fibers and collagen. This layer predominantly provides structure and support.

Artery sizes

动脉come in a variety of sizes. The largest artery of the body is the aorta, which begins at the heart.


Arterioles connect to capillaries, which are the smallest blood vessels and are where the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste occurs between the blood and the cells of the body.

发生这种交换后,血液进入venous system,它在朝着心脏上行驶。


The largest and most important artery in thecirculatory systemis the aorta. It’s so important because it serves as the initial pathway for blood that’s leaving theheart通过较小的分支动脉去剩下的身体。

Without the aorta, the body’s tissues wouldn’t get the oxygen and nutrients that they need.

The aorta is connected to your heart via the主动脉瓣。它由以下部分形成:

  • Ascending aorta. The ascending aorta distributes oxygen and nutrients to the heart via the coronary arteries.
  • Aortic arch.这有三个主要分支 - 肱骨躯干,左侧常见的颈动脉,以及左锁骨下颤动。它将血液送到上半身,包括头部,颈部和臂。
  • Descending aorta.The descending aorta sends blood to your torso, abdomen, and lower body. It’s referred to as the thoracic aorta above thediaphragm, but after passing the diaphragm, it becomes the abdominal aorta.

动脉in the head and neck

There are several head and neck arteries:

  • 左右颈颈。The leftcommon carotidcomes directly off the aortic arch, while the right common carotid comes from the brachiocephalic trunk.
  • External carotid.这些成对动脉来自共同的carotid arteries. The外部颈动脉将血液供应到面部,下颌和颈部等区域。
  • 内部颈动脉。像外部颈动脉一样,these paired arteriesare also derived from the common carotid arteries. They’re the primary arteries supplying blood to the
  • Vertebral.Formed off of thesubclavian arteries, these paired arteries travel up the neck, where they also supply blood to the brain.
  • 雷王星服务躯干。也来自亚克拉夫动脉,雷王星服务中继分成几艘船只送血thyroid, neck, and upper back.

动脉of the lungs, heart, pelvis, and the aorta in the abdomen

The torso arteries include:

  • Bronchial.There are typically two bronchial arteries, one on the left and one on the right. They supply blood to the lungs.
  • Esophageal.Theesophageal arteryprovides blood to theesophagus
  • Pericardial.This artery supplies blood to thepericardium, which is a membrane that surrounds the heart.
  • 肋间。The窒息动脉are a pair of arteries on either side of the body that send blood to various areas of the torso, including the vertebrae, spinal cord, back muscles, and skin.
  • Superior phrenic.Like the intercostal arteries, the superior phrenic arteries are paired and deliver blood to the vertebrae, spinal cord, skin, and diaphragm.


  • 腹腔躯干。从腹主动脉中分枝,腹腔干燥成较小的动脉,供应器官如stomach,, and
  • 高级肠系纪。也分枝腹主动脉,它将血液送到了small intestine,胰腺和大多数大肠。
  • Inferior mesenteric.Like the superior mesenteric artery, this artery also branches off of the abdominal aorta and supplies blood to the last portion of the large intestine, which includes the直肠
  • Inferior phrenic.这些是将血液供给隔膜的配对动脉。
  • Adrenal. The adrenal arteries are paired arteries that send blood to theadrenal glands
  • 肾脏。这些配对的动脉将血液送到kidneys
  • 腰。这些配对的动脉将血液送到椎骨和脊髓。
  • Gonadal. The gonadal arteries are paired arteries that send blood to thetestes在雄性和ovaries在女性。
  • Common iliac.该腹主动脉的该分支分为内部和外部髂动脉。
  • Internal iliac.来自常见的髂动脉,这个动脉向血液提供血液膀胱, pelvis, and external portion of the genitals. It also supplies the子宫andvagina在女性。
  • External iliac.Also arising from the common iliac artery, this artery eventually becomes the femoral artery.

The arteries of the arm are the:

  • Axillary.This is the name given to the subclavian artery as it exits the torso and enters thearm
  • 肱。This delivers blood to the upper region of the arm.
  • 径向andulnar.这些沿着前臂的两个骨头跑,在那里他们最终分裂以向血液提供血液手腕和手。


  • 股骨头。Derived from the external iliac artery, this artery supplies blood to the thigh and divides into the various smaller arteries that supply the legs.
  • Genicular. This supplies blood to the膝盖地区。
  • Popliteal.This is the name given to the femoral artery as it passes below the knee.
  • Anteriorandposterior胫骨。源自Popliteal动脉,这些动脉将血液供应到腿的下部。当他们到达时ankle, they divide further to supply the ankle and foot region.

动脉 Veins
整体功能 Transports blood away from the heart Transports blood toward the heart
肺循环 Moves oxygen-depleted blood from the heart to the lungs 将富含血液的血液从肺部送回心脏
Systemic circulation Delivers oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body’s tissues Returns oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart from the body’s tissues
Pressure High 低的
结构 Thick, elastic walls Thin walls with valves to prevent backflow of blood
最大 Aorta 腔静脉
Examples of major vessels Carotid artery, subclavian artery, bronchial artery, celiac trunk, superior/inferior mesenteric artery, femoral artery Jugular vein, subclavian vein, bronchial vein, azygos vein, renal vein, femoral vein
Smallest Arterioles Venules

The arteries are blood vessels in the circulatory system that move blood away from the heart. This occurs through two different circuits.

The systemic circuit supplies the organs and tissues of the body with oxygen and other nutrients. The pulmonary circuit allows blood to acquire fresh oxygen while getting rid of carbon dioxide.

Because of their vital function, it’s important to keep arteries healthy. Damaged or narrowed arteries can lead to the body not getting an adequate blood supply, which can put you at risk for things such as心脏病发作or中风