People who are aromantic, also known as “aro,” don’t develop romantic attractions for other people. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. Aromantic people do form strong bonds and have loving relationships that have nothing to do with romance.

From fairy tales to the silver screen to Valentine’s Day, romance is a big part of our culture. Budding romances and a grand romantic gestures are portrayed as the norm and as something we should all expect. That can put a lot of pressure on someone who simply doesn’t have those desires.

爱是很难定义,但有一个明显不同ence between love and romance.




芳香的人不这种感觉。他们可能从未在关系开始或之后有过这些感受,并且他们也不渴望,他们也没有 - 他们很好。

The terms asexual and aromantic can be easily confused, but have very different meanings.





That’s not to say that aromantic people never couple up. Some do, and through mutual support and shared experiences, these relationships can be very meaningful. Depending on the people involved, this type of relationship may or may not involve sex.

An aromantic person may not behave in ways typically expected in a romantic relationship. While they may enjoy your company, they might not want to spend all their free time with you.

An aromantic person may decide to engage in romantic behavior to please someone else. It’s important to remember, though, that this isn’t an indicator that they have romantic feelings.


Because romance is anticipated and seemingly normal, a person who doesn’t develop romantic feelings may wonder if there’s something wrong with them. This certainly isn’t the case and each person is different. Consider these misconceptions:

Aromantics are anti-romance


Aromantics are cold and heartless

Reality: They have plenty of feelings. They’re as kind and loving as anyone. They form deep, emotional connections, but are content with platonic love and other close relationships. Some of the nicest people you know could be aromantic.


Reality: You can fear commitment and still develop romantic feelings. Being aromantic has to do with how you feel, not whether you’re able or willing to commit.

Someone who is aromantic just hasn’t found the right person yet




Aromantics can be “fixed”

Reality: There’s nothing wrong, so there’s nothing to fix. Not being in a romantic relationship doesn’t necessarily make them lonely. Trying to force romance on an aromantic person — or any person — is a bad idea. They won’t appreciate it and someone’s feelings will likely be hurt.

Research on aromanticism is lacking and there may be some reluctance to talk about it. So, it’s hard to say how many people identify as aromantic.

Everyone is different. From those very interested in romance to aromantics and everyone in between, there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re fine just the way you are.