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The feeling is usually painless, but it can be noticeable. It’s a tingling ornumbness类似于您击中“有趣的骨头”时的感觉。当这种情况发生在您的手臂或其他身体部位时,您的肢体通常被称为“入睡”。这可以在任何时间,白天或黑夜发生。


Learn more about why this feeling happens, and what, if anything, you can do about it.

This pins and needles sensation is known as异常。Most of the time, the cause is simple. It may happen if you’ve lain on your arm or otherwise put pressure on it. This prevents the blood from flowing correctly to your nerves.

Poor positioning may also lead to pressure being placed directly on a nerve. The nerves react to the lack of blood flow or pinching by causing momentary tingling.

If you wake up with this feeling, readjust to relieve this pressure. Your arm will generally “wake up,” and the tingling will stop.

More chronic paresthesia may be a sign of an underlying medical issue. Possible conditions might include:


有很多类型的vitamin B, and they all help maintain cell health and keep you energized. Although many people get enough B vitamins through their diet, some people may also need to take supplements to meet their recommended daily amount.

If you aren’t getting enough vitamin B, you may experience paresthesia. This is most common among:

  • 老年人
  • vegans
  • 过度喝酒的人
  • people with恶性贫血

Fluid retention

Fluid retention可能是由许多事情引起的,包括high salt intake和fluctuating hormone levels duringmenstruation。This can cause swelling to occur throughout the body or it can also be localized in certain body parts. Sometimes this swelling can disrupt circulation and trigger a tingling sensation in the affected area.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

如果麻木或刺痛也影响了您的手,则可能是由carpal tunnel syndrome。当中间神经被压缩或捏住时,就会发生这种情况。

Making the same motions repeatedly, such as typing on a keyboard or working with machinery, can trigger it.

Peripheral neuropathy

如果您患有糖尿病并且经常患有异常,则可能是由神经损伤引起的。这种伤害称为周围神经病, and is caused by persistently high blood sugar levels.

Other conditions

Conditions affecting the central nervous system, such asmultiple sclerosis中风, can also cause paresthesia. Tumors or growths, particularly those located in thebrain或脊柱,也可能触发它。



If you’re experiencing other symptoms along with paresthesia, you should speak with your doctor right away. These symptoms may be caused by a more serious condition.

Paresthesia that happens along with any of the following symptoms requires urgent medical attention:


非处方(OTC)止痛药or a冷压can also be used to relieve any temporary or infrequent pain caused by paresthesia.

If you experience this pins and needles sensation regularly, it may be a sign of an underlying condition. Your doctor will work with you to determine the cause of your paresthesia and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

例如,如果您的医生发现您患有腕管综合症,他们可能会建议用手腕支撑和特定的手腕包裹exercisesto soothe the nerve. In more severe cases, cortisone shots or surgery may be needed.


If the issue persists, jot down when it happens, how long it lasts, and whether you’re experiencing any other symptoms. This can help your doctor determine whether a捏神经,神经系统问题或其他原因是您的症状。

Keep reading: Isolated nerve dysfunction »