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念珠菌are a group of yeasts that can cause fungal infections in different parts of the body. There are more than 200 different species of candida. Approximately 90% of the infections are caused by 5 species:

  • 念珠菌albicans
  • 念珠菌glabrata
  • 念珠菌热带
  • 念珠菌parapasilisos
  • Candida Krusei


念珠菌are opportunistic fungi that can失控in the right circumstances. An overgrowth of candida causes an infection with a variety of symptoms.

在阴道中,念珠菌感染通常被称为酵母菌感染。嘴里的感染称为thrush。People with diabetes get yeast infectionsmore often

苹果醋(ACV) is a scientifically proven antifungal. Laboratory research shows that it can inhibit the growth of candida cultivating in a petri dish.


一个 2018 study found that undiluted (or mildly diluted) ACV can prevent the growth of candida. The researchers discovered this effect in a candida culture, which is a small sample of these organisms.



You can use ACV to combat candida in a variety of different ways. You can take it to treat an overgrowth or incorporate it into your daily routine to prevent future infections.



The taste of ACV can be quite difficult for some to tolerate. If you don’t like the taste, try adding a drop ofhoney或用果汁或水稀释。

Continue this routine daily until your candida infection clears up or for as long as desired. You might just want to add it to salads to get the benefits.

With any treatment, always seek out a physician first to determine underlying causes.

Gargle it


Mix 1/2 cup of ACV into 1 cup of water. Gargle and swish this solution around your mouth for 15 seconds. Spit and repeat for at least three minutes.

Repeat two to three times per day until the infection clears.

一个dd it to tea

加1汤匙的无环鸟苷,一杯红茶。一个 2009年研究 shows that the polyphenols in红茶work to slow the growth of candida. The flavor of the tea will also help mask the strong taste of ACV.

Drink this tincture twice per day to treat an infection and once per day as a preventative measure.

Use it as salad dressing

苹果醋制作出色的沙拉酱。将其放在沙拉上可能是将其融入饮食中的一种更简单的方法,因为您可能会喜欢这种味道。将ACV与olive oil要快速且令人愉悦的调味料,或者富有创造力,并用干草或一些大蒜加香料。

Mix it with coconut oil

要在您的皮肤上使用ACV,请将其混合成一些organic coconut oil。一个 2007 study shows that virgin coconut oil may be nearly as effective as prescription antifungal medications. For the best results, buy coconut oil that is 100 percent pure.

Learn more about using coconut oil to treat a yeast infection.





You can also make a green drink and mix in other natural antifungals like garlic, radishes, and cloves.

Use it in the bath

Many people find that mixing ACV into a warm bath helps sooth and moisturize the skin. It may also be an effective way to fight or prevent yeast infections. Bath water does make its way into the vagina. The tricky part is using enough ACV to make it effective.

最多最多填充浴缸,并加入2杯ACV。浸泡约15分钟。当您进入浴缸时,练习Kegel exercises。This helps strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.


Generally, there are no negative side effects associated with drinking it, although too much can create a burning sensation in your throat because it’s acidic. It may alsoerode your tooth enamel。It’s best to dilute ACV before using it.

Little research has been done on the topical application of ACV, but most people don’t have any problems with it. Discontinue use if you experience any irritation or odd side effects.


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)andbacterial vaginosis通常被误认为是酵母菌感染。不加治疗,这些条件可能会使您有严重并发症的风险,并增加您对其他性传播感染的脆弱性。

The only way to make sure you’re treating the right condition is to get tested for yeast. Since there are many species of candida you want to make sure you know what you are treating.


ACV被认为对体验糖尿病患者是自然而安全的reoccurring yeast infections。Consider other treatments like coconut oil, over-the-counter suppositories, or prescription antifungal medication.