Beloved action hero Indiana Jones is known for fearlessly rushing into ancient ruins to rescue damsels and priceless artifacts, only to get the heebie-jeebies from a booby trap with snakes. “Snakes!” he yells. “Why is it always snakes?”

If you’re someone struggling with ophidiophobia, the fear of snakes, then you knowexactlyhow our adventurer feels.

Since snakes are often depicted as threatening or dangerous, a fear of snakes is considered a given — who wouldn’t be afraid of something that can kill you with one bite?

A 2013年研究 even found that our brain is evolutionarily conditioned to be afraid of snake-like forms. This makes sense, as they’ve always been a threat to the human species.

However, in the modern day, if you find you’re unable to function in your life or that you lose all control at the mere mention of a snake, you may be dealing with more than just the healthy respect a wild predator deserves.

阅读有关Ophidiophoophobia的更多信息以及如何处理此具体phobia为自己 。


For example, if your co-worker discusses their pet ball python in the break room, you may have one or more of the following reactions:

  • dizziness or lightheadedness
  • 恶心
  • sweating, especially in your extremities such as your palms
  • 增加心率
  • 难以呼吸或呼吸急促
  • trembling and shaking

These symptoms may worsen as you get physically closer to a snake or as the time of a proposed snake interaction grows closer to happening.


  • A negative experience.A traumatic experience with a snake, especially at a young age, could leave you with a long-term phobia of the creatures. This could include being bitten or being in a frightening environment that prominently featured snakes and in which you felt trapped or helpless.
  • Learned behaviors.If you grew up seeing a parent or relative demonstrating terror around snakes, then you may have learned they were something to fear. This is true of many specific phobias, including ophidiophobia.
  • Portrayal in media.Often we learn to fear something because popular media or society tells us it is scary.小丑,蝙蝠,小鼠,确实蛇经常在这个位置结束。如果你看到太多的可怕电影或可怕的图像,在很长一段时间内以蛇为特色,你可以学会害怕他们。
  • 了解消极经验。听到有人描述一个有蛇的可怕体验可能会触发。恐惧往往来自导致疼痛或不适的东西的期望,而不是实际遇到它的记忆。


In this case, your fear of snakes may be diagnosed as a特定恐惧症, which means an intense fear or anxiety in response to a specific trigger, such as an animal, environment, or situation.


Then, together, you can talk through different possible diagnoses to see which feels the closest to your own personal experience. Afterward, you can decide together on possible treatment.



This form of talk therapy, also calledsystematic desensitization这听起来像:你在非娱乐和安全的环境中接触到你担心的东西。

For ophidiophobia, this may mean looking at pictures of snakes with your therapist and discussing the emotions and physical reactions that come up in response.

In some cases, you may try using a virtual reality system to be around a snake in a natural but digital space where it feels like you’re there, but nothing can truly hurt you. You may work up to being around real snakes in a safe and regulated environment like the zoo.





Medication is best used in conjunction with regular talk therapy while treating your phobia. There are two types of medication commonly used to help with specific phobias:beta-blockers镇静剂. With beta-blockers, your heartbeat pumps a little slowly, so if you have a panic or fear response, this can help you to feel calm and relaxed instead of spiraling.


getting help for ophidiophobia

害怕snakes is a common phobia among a wide variety of different types of people — remember our archeologist hero from the beginning? Even he was afraid of them. But the best way to conquer our fears is to name them and face them.

By talking with a therapist and seeking support from trusted friends and family members, you can find a way to reduce your anxiety and live a life free from ophidiophobia.