
Kavais a plant that grows in tropical climates, particularly on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. It takes the shape of a shrub. It grows low to the ground, with light green, heart-shaped leaves.

Fiji, Samoa, Hawaii, and the Republic of Vanuatu all carefully cultivate kava plants. The kava plant has traditionally been used to brew a ceremonial drink and as an herbal remedy by people native to those areas.

Kava is known to produce pleasant sensations and have a calming, relaxing effect on people that use it.

由于其平静的品质,Kava引起了医学界的注意generalized anxiety disorder(GAD). But kava’s history as a largely unregulated substance has made its use somewhat controversial. Research into the medicinal use of kava is ongoing.

Kava has been used as an unregulated herbal treatment for generations. But it was only recently that研究人员隔离了活性成分, called “kavain,” that affects mood receptors and helps people with anxiety.



Kava brings on feelings of relaxation and sometimes euphoria. A high enough dose might even help you sleep if your anxiety is keeping you awake. It appears to be less addictive or intrusive than some antianxiety and sleep medications, but this assertion isn’t proven.

The main drawback of using kava to treat anxiety is that we don’t know enough about it. Some recreational use of kava 已经被报告了 to cause liver injury in the user. For several years, the sale of kava was banned in Germany because its safety could not be confirmed. Kava was also banned in the United Kingdom for some time.

Since kava interacts with the dopamine levels in your body, it could be habit-forming. People who have battled substance abuse or addiction in the past might be discouraged from using kava to treat anxiety.


One studyconcluded that driving after recreational use of kava could increase your potential to be in a serious accident. You may also experience fatigue that feels like a “hangover” the morning after using kava before bed.

Children under 18, women who are breastfeeding, and people on prescription medication should avoid kava or at least speak to a medical professional before using it.

Kava is available in tea, powder, capsule, and liquid form. Though more research is needed, it’s generally agreed that daily intake should not exceed 250 milligrams per day in any form. If you are considering taking kava as a supplement, consult your doctor to discuss your intentions.



There is a potent smoky, whiskey-like taste in the liquid form of kava. The distilled root of kava is sold in small (two- to six-ounce) bottles. Though some people drink kava straight from the dropper, other people mix it with juice to disguise the strong taste.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated or recommended a safe dosage for liquid kava root.

Powder and capsules

Kava root can also be purchased in powder form and used to make a strong drink that you strain yourself. This is similar to the way that kava is brewed in its traditional cultural setting.

The powder can be ground and inserted into capsules, or kava capsules themselves can be purchased. Once again, safe dosage information for kava has yet to be determined.

Kava gives the user a relaxed feeling without the side effects of prescription medications. Its strength in comparison to FDA-approved antianxiety agents has not been established.

There are some reports suggesting a connection between use of uncertain quality kava and liver injury. However, more research is needed to demonstrate a clear link between kava and liver problems.

The main risk associated with drinking or using kava is interaction with antianxiety, antidepressant, or other prescription medications. There is no clinical research that shows how kava could interact with these drugs, but研究人员估计that the chances for a negative reaction are high.

Medications forParkinson’s diseaseare particularly risky to mix with kava. Kava should not be mixed with alcoholic beverages.

For people withGAD, there are many treatment options. Most involve the assistance of a mental health professional, such as a counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist. Prescription drugs such asProzacCelexa通常建议使用。

For people who wish to avoid taking antianxiety medications, lifestyle changes are sometimes suggested. Dietary and exercise changes can help decrease the anxiety that a person feels.

But anxiety isn’t something a person can simply “think their way out of” or decide not to feel. Generalized anxiety disorder is a very real condition that needs to be addressed with the help of someone professionally trained to diagnose and treat it.

The science of herbal treatment for mental health conditions continues to evolve. Though much is unknown about the long-term use of kava for anxiety, there seems to be little cause for concern if you wish to try the remedy in small doses.


但一定要与你的医生商量再试一试ing kava. Discuss how it might affect any existing health issues. Your doctor may also examine you to be certain that your anxiety symptoms are not being caused by an underlying condition that needs to be treated.