An anoscopy is a simple medical procedure that can help your doctor identify an abnormality in your gastrointestinal tract, notably in your anus and rectum.

To perform an anoscopy, your doctor will insert a device called an anoscope into your anus.



If you’re going to have an anoscopy, you’ll need to empty your bladder and bowels before the procedure. Emptying your bladder and bowels will make you more comfortable during the procedure.



Before the anoscope is inserted into your anus, you’ll be asked to remove your undergarments. Your doctor may request that you position yourself in the fetal position on a table, or bend forward over the table.


While the anoscope is being inserted, the doctor may ask you to intensify your internal muscles and relax as you would when having a bowel movement. This eases the placement of the anoscope.

Once the exam is performed, the doctor gently withdraws the anoscope.

Additional procedures



  • 数字直肠考试(DRE): the DRE involves placing a gloved and lubricated finger into the rectum via the anus. This is done to feel for irregularities inside your rectal area.
  • 活检: depending on the results of the other tests, your doctor may also want to take a small sample of tissue.


It’s important to relax and tell your doctor how you’re feeling. If a biopsy is taken, you may feel a slight pinch.

An anoscopy can spot a number of problems, including:



  • blockage of a gland
  • 感染组织中的撕裂,称为肛裂
  • sexually transmitted infection (STI)
  • inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)

IBD包括溃疡性结肠炎Crohn’s disease,并且以胃肠道衬里的炎症为特征。

Anal fissures

Anal fissures are tears in the tissue of the anus that can occur due to:

  • constipation
  • 坚硬,大的肠道运动
  • 长时间的腹泻
  • 减少血液流量




痔疮are common in pregnant women and can also occur due to an infection or straining during a bowel movement. Swollen veins in your anus and rectal area can be painful and cause bleeding.


Polyps are growths that protrude from the lining of the rectum or colon. They’re usually benign, but some can be cancerous. Regular screenings can be very effective in preventing polyps from becoming a serious problem.


Cancer can appear in the lower digestive tract, including the anus and the rectum. However, cancers in this area are uncommon — they’re much more common further up the digestive tract and colon.


The results of your anoscopy will determine the next steps. The test can help your doctor determine appropriate treatment for your condition, or the need for more testing.