What Is Anorexia Nervosa?

Many people worry about gaining too much weight. But in some people the worry becomes obsessive, resulting in a condition called anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that can result in severe weight loss. A person with anorexia is preoccupied with calorie intake and weight.

People with anorexia nervosa eat an extremely low calorie diet and have an excessive fear of gaining weight. They often feel better about themselves when they lose weight. They may also exercise excessively. Anorexia is most commonly diagnosed in adolescent women, but it’s been diagnosed in older and younger women and in men.

Those with anorexia nervosa lose weight and maintain their extremely low weight in different ways. While some put severe restrictions on their calorie intake, others exercise excessively. Some employ a binge and purge method similar to that used by those withbulimia。其他人使用泻药,呕吐或利尿剂来摆脱卡路里。如果患有厌食症神经症,您的症状可能包括:

  • 无法保持正常体重
  • 疲劳
  • insomnia
  • skin that is yellow or blotchy and covered with soft, fine hairs
  • hair thinning or falling out
  • 便秘
  • more than three cycles without a period
  • 皮肤干燥
  • 低血压


  • 过度锻炼
  • pushing food around the plate instead of eating it, or cutting food into small pieces
  • irritability
  • withdrawal from social activities
  • 沮丧的心情
  • hunger denial
  • 用于利尿剂,泻药或减肥药

The exact cause of anorexia nervosa isn’t known. People who develop anorexia may have a negative body image. They may be focused on being “perfect.” They may be looking for ways to control their lives. Other factors like biology, environment, and psychology are believed to play a role.






Someone withobsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)可能更倾向于维持严格的饮食和运动方案,即厌食症的人经常维持。那是因为OCD的人易于痴迷和强迫。


  • you are restricting food intake
  • 你害怕获得体重
  • 你有身体形象的问题




The main goal of treatment is to restore your body to a normal weight and establish normal eating habits. A dietitian will help you learn how to eat properly. It might also be recommended that your family take part in therapy with you. For many people, anorexia nervosa is a lifelong challenge.


You and your family must work hard to overcome anorexia nervosa. Individual, family, andgroup therapiesare often an integral part of treatment.

Individual Therapy



家庭疗法得到家庭成员参与凯ping you on track with your healthy eating and lifestyle. Family therapy also helps resolve conflicts within the family. It can help create support for the family member learning to cope with anorexia nervosa.

Group Therapy

Group therapy allows people with anorexia nervosa to interact with others who have the same disorder. But it can sometimes lead to competition to be the thinnest. To avoid that, it’s important that you attend group therapy that is led by a qualified medical professional.


While there is no medication at this time that is proven to treat anorexia nervosa, antidepressants may be prescribed to deal with the anxiety and depression common in those with anorexia. These may make you feel better. But antidepressants do not diminish the desire to lose weight.



