
根据这一点 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke , virtually all adults will seek attention for back pain at some point in their lives.

TheAmerican Chiropractic Association报告称,美国人每年花费大约500亿美元治疗背部疼痛。

There are many possible causes of low back pain. Usually, it’s caused by trauma from a sudden strain on the spine.

But you should be aware that back pain can also signal a more serious condition called ankylosing spondylitis (AS).



In advanced AS, abnormal bone growth or calcification of the ligaments of the vertebral bodies of the spine may cause the joints to fuse. This can severely reduce mobility.

People with AS may also experience inflammation in other joints, such as their knees and ankles, and they may develop vision problems due to inflammation of the eyes.

1. You have unexplained pain in the lower back



Lower back pain for no apparent reason isn’t typical in young people. Teens and young adults who complain of stiffness or pain in the lower back or hips should be evaluated for AS by a doctor.


2. You have a family history of AS



  • AS
  • 银屑病关节炎
  • 关节炎与炎症性肠病有关

3. You’re young, and you have unexplained pain in the heels, joints, or chest

背部疼痛,而是一些病人第一擅长ience pain in the heel or pain and stiffness in the joints of the wrists, ankles, knees, or other joints.

Some patient’s rib bones are affected at the point where they meet the spine or where the ribs meet the sternum (breastbone). This can cause tightness in the chest that makes it hard to breathe.

Talk with your doctor if any of these conditions occur or persist.

你的痛苦可能会来,但它逐渐上升了你的脊椎 - 它会变得更糟

AS is a chronic, progressive disease. Although exercise or pain medications may help temporarily, the disease may gradually worsen. Symptoms may come and go, but they won’t stop completely.


This can be avoided if the condition is diagnosed early and treatment is started.



However, these medications don’t alter the course of the disease.

If your doctors think you have AS, they may prescribe more advanced medications. These drugs target specific parts of your immune system responsible for the inflammatory response.

免疫系统组分称为细胞因子在炎症中起着核心作用。特别是 - 肿瘤坏死因子α和白细胞介素10-由现代生物疗法靶向。

These drugs may actually slow the progression of the disease.


  • stiffness and increased pain in the morning after waking up that lessens throughout the day as you move around.
  • pain while sleeping that can wake you up
  • 从轻型运动,伸展或热水淋浴的缓解。
  • pain may move from side to side, especially initially
  • symptoms that ease off temporarily, and then return later
  • 从你的身体处理炎症的疲劳

AS is more likely to affect young men, but it can affect anyone. Initial symptoms usually appear in the late teen to early adult years. AS can develop at any age, however.

The tendency to develop the disease is inherited. A genetic marker called HLA-B27 可以表明增加的风险,但并不总是存在于那些拥有的人中,并不能保证你会发展它。


A history of gastrointestinal or genitourinary infections may also increase risk of developing AS, according to theNational Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

There’s no single test for AS. Diagnosis involves a detailed patient history and physical exam including:

  • physical exam and questions about pain
  • mobility testing to determine flexibility and movement
  • HLA-B27等遗传标记的血液检测
  • 成像测试,例如CT扫描,MRI扫描或X射线

Some experts believe MRI should be used to diagnose AS in the early stages of the disease, before it shows up on an X-ray.


There’s currently no cure for AS, but you can reduce your symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease by:

  • finding it early
  • 开始医疗
  • 从事特定的物理治疗和姿势训练练习

