No matter how old you are, you’ve likely heard or felt a pop, click, or creak coming from your ankles or other joints.

In most cases this isn’t a cause for concern, unless the popping is accompanied bypainor肿胀


In this article, we’ll look at the most common causes of ankle popping and when you should see a doctor.

Ankle popping is very common. It’s not a cause for concern in most cases. But if your ankle popping is accompanied by pain or swelling, it may have a more serious cause.

If your popping ankle isn’t causing any pain, it’s likely caused by either:

  • 气体从关节胶囊中释放
  • your peroneal tendons rubbing over the joint’s bony structures


Gas release

When you move your ankle, you stretch the joint capsule that’s filled with fluid to keep it lubricated. When氮气的气泡或释放这种流体中的其他气体,可能会引起大声的弹出声音。

Tight muscles can contribute to this gas release, which is why you may notice joint popping more often after periods of inactivity, or when you first get up in the morning.






If you’ve recently had an ankle injury, such as asprained ankle,您可能会注意到更频繁的脚踝弹出。



If this band becomes elongated, separated, or torn, it can cause your peroneal tendons to slip out of place and lead to a snapping noise when you move your ankle. This is known as subluxation.



A dislocation occurs when the tendons of your peroneal muscles get pushed out of their usual location. When this happen, it can cause a popping or snapping sound in your ankle, along with:

  • 肿胀
  • pain

A peroneal tendon dislocation may occur during an ankle sprain. You’ll need medical attention to ensure that the tendons return to their correct position.

Osteochondral lesion

Osteochondral lesions are injuries to the cartilage on the ends of your bones. These lesions can cause clicking and locking in the ankle, and are often accompanied by swelling and limited range of motion.

Osteochondral lesions are present in 50 to 70 percent 脚踝扭伤和骨折。医生可以使用MRI(一种成像测试)诊断它们。这些病变可能需要手术。

这些病变也可能由于骨关节炎。随着年龄的增长cartilageat the end of your bones wears down and the rough edges can cause pain and noise.


Some types of exercises can help you target your peroneal muscles on the outside of your ankle, which help stabilize your ankle joint.


Ankle circles


How to do this exercise:

  1. 脚跟抬高,将一只腿支撑在稳定的表面上。
  2. Turn your foot in clockwise circles from the ankle. Do this 10 times.
  3. Repeat 10 times in the opposite direction.
  4. Swap legs and repeat the exercise with your other ankle.

Calf raises


How to do this exercise:

  1. Raise up onto your toes so your ankles are fully extended.
  2. 降低高跟鞋,直到其低于壁架的水平。
  3. Repeat for 10 reps.

You can also perform this exercise on a single leg to make it harder.


Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. You can stand next to a sturdy chair or wall to catch yourself if you lose your balance.

How to do this exercise:

  1. Lift one foot off the floor.
  2. 尽可能长时间保持一英尺长达30秒。
  3. 在另一侧重复。



How to do this exercise:

  1. Write the alphabet from A to Z with your elevated foot, moving your foot from the ankle joint.
  2. Switch to your other foot and write the alphabet again.

If your ankle popping is causing pain or it started after an injury, it’s important to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor.

Your doctor may order imaging tests, such as anMRI或CT扫描,,,,to help diagnose any damage to your bones or cartilage.

根据你的痛苦的原因,你的医生ay recommend several treatment options, such as:

Ankle popping isn’t usually a serious condition. If it’s not causing pain or discomfort, it likely doesn’t require treatment.

