

动物咬伤通常导致infecti的原因之一on is that bites often occur on the fingers or hands. These areas are where the body may have a harder time fighting infection. Also, the bacteria often come from the animal’s mouth or may be present on the human’s skin. The infections are often caused by these bacteria penetrating the skin.



Dog bites

Even the gentlest dog can bite if injured, scared, or overexcited. And all dog breeds have the potential to bite. Most of the time a person is bitten by a dog they know.

Injuries from a dog bite make up 85 to 90 percent of animal bites in the United States, and 1 percent of injury-related visits to the emergency room, according to美国家庭医生


Cat bites


Of all animal bites reported in the United States, 5 to 10 percent are from cats. Most people bitten by cats are women. And most cat bites are the result of intentional contact, like attempting to feed or pet the cat.

Bites by wild animals

In rare cases, bites from wild animals like bats, raccoons, foxes, skunks, and wild dogs can cause rabies infections. Rabies is a life-threatening viral disease. Seek medical attention for any wild animal bite that breaks the skin’s surface. Also seek medical attention if a bat is found in a room you were sleeping in, even if you do not see visible bites.

You should clean all animal bites thoroughly. And watch them closely. Seek medical attention if symptoms of an infection develop.




The most common symptoms of infection from animal bites are redness, pain, swelling, and inflammation at the site of the bite. You should seek immediate medical treatment if any of these symptoms continue for more than 24 hours.


  • 脓液或液体从伤口渗出
  • tenderness in areas near the bite
  • loss of sensation around the bite
  • limited use of the finger or hand if the hand was bitten
  • red streaks near the bite
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • 发烧或寒意
  • night sweats
  • fatigue
  • breathing difficulties
  • 肌肉弱点或震颤

You should also seek medical treatment as soon as possible if any of these less common symptoms are present, particularly if the symptoms are not improving on their own.

Cat bites carry a much higher risk of infection than dog bites.


  • not thoroughly and swiftly washing the bite
  • the bite caused a deep wound
  • the bite also caused a fracture or other damage
  • a weakened immune system

To diagnose infection from an animal bite, your doctor will ask about the bite. Questions to expect from your doctor include:

  • What kind of animal bit you?
  • What prompted the bite?
  • Has the animal had a rabies vaccine?
  • When did you have your last tetanus shot?

您的医生也可能订购X射线以确定感染是否蔓延到骨骼上,特别是如果咬合在手指或手上。血液试验还可以诊断感染的扩散,称为sepsis。Sepsis and infection of the bone are life-threatening concerns.


For a minor wound:

  • Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.
  • 用新鲜,干净的绷带覆盖该区域。

For a deep wound, suspected rabies, or a wound showing symptoms of infection:

  • Apply pressure to stop any bleeding using a clean cloth.
  • Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Seek immediate medical attention to look for signs of infection.

If an infection develops, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. A typical round of treatment will last five to 10 days. However, the length of your treatment may vary based on many factors, including:

  • the type of bite
  • the severity of the bite
  • existing health issues


Your doctor might also suggest a tetanus booster shot. This depends on how severe the bite is and your vaccination status.

After performing blood tests to determine the extent of the infection, your doctor might need to stitch the wound. They may also ask you to return for a follow-up visit after 48 hours to monitor the wound.

If left untreated, infection from animal bites could spread and cause serious medical problems. Infection generally develops within 24 to 48 hours.


  • symptoms worsen
  • symptoms do not improve
  • 离开后症状回归
  • new symptoms appear

You should also contact your doctor immediately if the animal that bit you starts showing symptoms of illness. Potential complications of animal bite infections include tetanus and rabies.


Symptoms of the bacterial disease tetanus include:

  • difficulty swallowing
  • stiff jaw muscles
  • stiff neck muscles
  • stiffness in the abdominal muscles
  • painful body spasms

由于破伤风疫苗,在美国的破伤风感染很少见。根据这一点 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC) , children should receive five tetanus shots by the time they reach the age of 6. Teens and adults should receive the vaccine every 10 years. If you are uncertain how long it’s been since your last shot, you should opt for another dose of the vaccine. There is no cure for tetanus.



人类狂犬病是美国的罕见发生。根据CDC,只有 one to three cases each year. The symptoms of the viral disease rabies are:

  • high fever
  • difficulty swallowing
  • convulsions


Learn more: Rabies »

An infected animal bite should start to look and feel better within 48 hours of treatment. If you do not notice an improvement, be sure to contact your doctor immediately.

It is particularly important that you follow up with your doctor to ensure that the infection and wound are healing properly. They will also let you know if any adjustments may need to be made to your treatment plan.